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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Holy

  • Birthday 03/25/1993

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  1. Aslong I can play with my friends in one squad, wich will be possible due to the private squad feature, I'm fine. You wish. You did notice the checkbox on the squads menu, right?
  2. Aslong I can play with my friends in one squad, wich will be possible due to the private squad feature, I'm fine.
  3. Hmmm... now I'm confused, I did talk to the german battlefield community manager on teamspeak and according to him the squad system is still in development. Could be possible that he wasn't up to date, however I will wait for the release. The squad system hasnt been locked yet because of the huge amount of feedpack. I sure hope that they change it. I'm positive about it, I do like the game and yes, you can hate me now battlelog as well. At the very beginning I was rather confused and didn't understand why this system should be any good. After several matches with tons of people on teamspeak I changed my mind about it, you have all your stats and mates on one website and the best is you can access it from anywhere at anytime. Of course everything needs to be tweaked here and there, but it's a pretty nice feature that will improve the community side of gaming. Even though I have to agree that origin is an unnecessary part in the chain, battlelog will be an advantage in many points. Map wise they probaly choosed not the best map to show off the classic battlefield fealing, but it's definitely a good one to let players test out a lot of features, from sniping on the outside part to close corner flashlight action. Resumé: Battlefield 3 recieves a hoah! from me.
  4. Hmmm... now I'm confused, I did talk to the german battlefield community manager on teamspeak and according to him the squad system is still in development. Could be possible that he wasn't up to date, however I will wait for the release.
  5. Looks nice on the screenshot, but it's unplayable. 1. func_smokevolume is a really expensive entity, it looks good when used correctly, but if it's overused it causes massive fps issues. While shooting on your map I get a maximum of 30 fps, like always all graphic settings maxed.(I got a fairly good machine and if it lags on mine it's unplayable for the most people here) 2. No round will last longer than 5 minutes on that map considering you havn't implented any possible cade spots. Edit: Just decompiled your map and noticed some very bad things in terms of level optimization. Never, ever use the skybox as cube around your map, for example the bottom shouldn't have the skybox texture since it's unneeded to render that area at all.
  6. Yeah, once the gravity was 300 and teamkilling was on we had lots of fun. xD
  7. I'd like to see a feature to remove nails without destroying or damaging the prop as human.
  8. D: Damn shitty free hosters, I just uploaded it hours ago.
  9. Hey peeps, I've been working on a clean and simple guide for the gamemode today. At first I thought about simply leaving it here at topic, but I re-thought that idea after writing the entire guide. The reason behind that was that not many of the people that are ingame get past the zombies, to the forum. Currently hosted on a free site, just for showing it you, of course you would need to upload it to l4g once it's done. http://testinglab.ho...ival_guide.html The ones of you that know a little bit about lua surely know about Panel:OpenURL(" "). Since I'm still working on improving it I'd love to get some feedback. PS: I'm a horrible artist.
  10. I'd love to play if it isn't too late already.
  11. I may gonna edit the Skybox ( Using Hl2Skybox atm ) sky_01_09 isn't too bad.
  12. Houndeyes from Half life would be awesome, I don't know if there are any good models of them for Half life 2.
  13. No offence but imo you are pretty biased at things that you own.
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