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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Botervloot

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPQR-OsH0RQ No comment.
  2. Btw, does the "Ladder" texture tool still work?
  3. ITS NECK ON NECK! (vote on vote).
  4. Ma fishtank r expanded Meh clavus, I had a good aquarium, but I got pissed because it didn't work, and just took the castle from that aquarium and quickly made a new one...
  5. BTW, poll closes same time *18:00* tommorow. The next challange starts the day aftherwards, with an idea by Redgord! (if you HAVE an idea by then, right redgord XD)
  6. You have to do anon I voted for red XD
  7. - You can extract textures from different Source games into Ep2. - You can do this by using GCFscape
  8. Just use CFG scape, and put all textures you have in Ep2, then it will compile
  9. The contest is now over! Start your voting: Vote for: Botervloot Clavuselite Mayco Redgord Dominator Evolve Ratman
  10. No lightning :3 Try making it easier for the compiler. Don't make these corners: | -- but these | /-- If you get what I mean
  11. ITS NOT AN WHATEVAR. Its an aquarium
  12. I'll delete that 3th picture, and make the 4th the 3th... Read teh rules, 3 pictures
  13. Failed D: I wanted: - Funny sound when you die in the water - Button that works, and puts a pillar up from the aquarium - That you can see inside of the aquarium All failed. I'll make a small aquarium now... Not promitted to upload D: rapidshare. http://rapidshare.com/files/218423959/Bah.vmf.html
  14. LOCK. Making Aquarium. WTF. WinRar detected unknown format, cannot extract. Can someone put my version in a random place in the map? I'll upload when done. LOCK.
  15. Isn't there a bit of compition? Mr-green is "Powning" you guys! *Mayco's and Redgords were first on Mr-green, so they count as Mr-green Entry.
  16. That last picture did it for me.
  17. Here is my review: - [PlayerSelectSpawn] Error! No spawn points! I spawned in the ground. - Since when are there white dust clouds outside? - Lightning looks UNreal. The spotlights outside never produce that small lightspot. - 3D skybox...? It looks unreal when you just see outside the box... - Dead BLOCK is indeed right. - Misaligned textures. - Misaligned brushes. Hints: Use ambient_generic with a fire sound near fire. More realistic. Only use that dust when your inside. I don't see that much dust outside in an urban atmosphere. Make it just that less blocky. Take the outside "bunker" for instance. You can make that roof more like a bunker. Make a 3D skybox when you are finished. There are some misalignments in your brushes. Fix that. All in all, when you fix all misalignments, it reduces compile time. Have you compiled it with -final at the lower bar? that makes it look a lot better, but take longer compiling. Pro's: It looks to me that it will have some quite intense gameplay. Although it might be too easy for the humans. I'm sorry if I insulted you I'm just trying to help.
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