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Mr. Green Gaming


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Axon last won the day on September 27 2011

Axon had the most liked content!

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  1. Axon

    Mafia 2

    All right then! Still, Mafia > GTA in many ways. Post 600. Bye.
  2. Axon

    Mafia 2

    That's the thing, opening car-trunks/windows is much more realistic than... none of those.
  3. Axon

    Mafia 2

    No. Mafia has a much better storyline and police force, which makes the game more fun overall.
  4. Axon

    Mafia 2

    What the hell dude. I love the driving mechanism. +1 I loved the driving, and I loved how driving as it should be (speed limit, stopping for red lights) was faster than GTA style driving and getting all the cops behind you.
  5. ... the hell?

  6. Bert

    I see you're regularly checking my profile to make sure the status is still there. It is.

  7. Axon

    Mafia 2

    I was already going to buy it, but this just strengthened my opinion. You can EAT HAM AND CHEESE SANDWICHES FROM THE FRIDGE IN YOUR HOUSE. And they look f*cking delicious. And you get to SHOOT people!
  8. Kudos for not mentioning 'penis' in that wall of text. Good thing I stopped playing TF2.
  9. I'm not playing the game, but if I would, I would burn everything, just to piss you guys off. It's fun.
  10. Bert

    You drive a hard bargain sir, how about I just put "Axon is the best" as my status on my profile. Will that suffice?

  11. Axon


    50 bucks.

  12. Bert


    You can keep it irl and I'll have it on here, deal?

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