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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by RaIdErSfAn64

  1. that was fucken funny at the end

  3. Ya necro should do that
  4. no he said i will fix it and noclip to the turret and tried to destory it
  5. Pufulet has been unfreezing props and then freezing them again.He says "thanks the expoiters" he knocks down my turret.Then he noclips and trys to destory it.And said "Thank The expoiters". :angry: :angry:
  6. good luck
  7. wat it wasnt him who spammed and said fuck off and hes a good player not a bad play and he did started it
  8. Ok I didnt know. I play the servers but didnt get on the website, I am now always on the website.
  9. U are perfect but can't decide but I think u would be a great admin.
  10. rofl lmfao :gmod:
  11. hahaha that is a funny pic i want to know if i got approved or denied
  12. My isn't any better,I am stuck at home with my grandma that yells whos this dumb bitch. Shut up dumb dog. Get the hell away for my food Stupid dog.
  13. ya my other icr didnt work any more because they shut that website down.
  14. oh ok i thought if you got declined you can try again. ya i am happy now
  15. Thanks but i think i am not going to be admin.
  16. The meaning is that raiders the football team and I am the 64th fan.
  17. Ywa said to post it.
  18. ya my grammar is bad.well i been on the server Mr.Green zs more than 2 years.thanks shock.
  19. Gameserver: Mr.Green Garry's Mod Zombie Survival Age: 17 Country I live in:USA Link to SteamCommunity profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197981328094/ Link to IRC: http://raptr.com/raidersfan64 Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I been admin on many servers like zs , DarkRP i maded,ext. I like to help players if they dont know how to play the server.And help them if they have any ?'s. I make maps too,like zs_Barren_v8.1 put it was for my server but it doesnt work any more because it was running on a older verion of the updates and i couldnt update it because it said it was. I know how to make inprovments by the turret.Sometimes it looks like it is damaged so bad it wouldnt more at noraml speed and it wouldnt say my name to.But i didn't ask to be admin on almost all servers put 1 out of 5 i need to and the servers i didnt ask to be admin was because they thought i was already wrothy. Thats why i want to be admin on this server. :)x
  20. Happy BIRTHDAY Ywa hope its the best!
  21. Ya your the best thanks
  22. thats the secound time it reset It took me two full weeks every hour to get back just a very little like the ones u saw when u put it back.
  23. I think you missed something. It says i am still level 1 Engineer not level 5 Still. lvl 1 Engineer is where i got to that after the second time it reset . Please help! If u can help that would be super GREAT
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