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Mr. Green Gaming


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Tennisballesser last won the day on April 30 2013

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About Tennisballesser

  • Birthday 03/03/1995

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    Germany ;-;
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  1. I am probably speaking for the majority right now, but nobody here really likes the way the server is heading. Implementing "Pay 2 win" features before MAJOR bugfixes and balancing changes ( Which are needed right now badly ) only shows 1 thing ; Greed. I can't recall any of the veteran players I am still in contact with ever asking for that sort of feature, nor wishing for the current changes ( Merging of infected and zombies for example ). I know the gamemode is getting a rework right now, but every resource should go into that instead of features like buying SP for GC ( Which is a terrible way of monetarisation, there are so many better options availeble that don't influence the gameplay that much ), people will rather donate for a server they like then for a server where they can buy themself advantages with. Costum playermodels, more suits ( the power they add is fine given the price ) , doublepower on votes are things that come to mind that are way less Pay 2 Win while still given long-time players and donators something worthwhile. The crate-system has been flawed for over a year now, yet it only needed 2 smaller things to edit/fix it ( Make them placeble by humans to prevent them from spawning out of cades/gathering spots , and buying weapons DURING waves ). The weapons have been feeling too weak for ages now, in addition to some still broken hitboxes ( if they are that broken just take the dam models from Nox, really, it's not gonna be the end of the world ). The balance between running and cading is killed too, once again owned to the crate system ( people running outside can't afford to stand at a crate 7 seconds to buy ammo and guns, a simple cart you can edit all the way and "Check out" at the crate would fix that). There are so many things that can be done to make this ZS better, and buying weapons with GC is 1 of the last things to add to that. Edit : Let's not forget zombies are useless since the change too.
  2. What's the problem exactly? I might get rid of the infected models and use the normal zombie models for the new general/standard/classic class. I like how you are dodging the Pay2Win part entirely, speaks for itself.
  3. Never said he added it, I said I understand his decision of leaving now.
  4. The point were buying SP with GC was implemented before doing crucial balacing changes or bugfixes showed me what way this server is heading, definitly the wrong one. I can fully understand NECROSSIN's decision and I sure as hell won't bother caring about this server anymore since that point is reached.
  5. in the old zs there was cading and running you could make your own cade after some time of running without anybody else there was so many tactics to use, and at that time cading was art when pro made it, i used to make the most sexy cades anybody's ever seen. Nowadays you dont even bother to cade cause it sucks Basicly my point the entire time, but yeah, I doubt we will get that back anytime sadly.
  6. I deeply disagree with you. Cading is supposed to be an OPTION, just as much as going in crazy and praying to net get killed by the 20 zombies that chase you. Cading IS an art if properly executed, and it's just as realistic as running around shooting over stuff. My point bein , BOTH options should be viable.
  7. I am fucking tired of this entire update wraparound gamemode bullshit. 1 1/2 - years ago ZS was FINE besides some small inbalances like Posincrabs, fasties and too powerfull Shop upgrades. The current ZS is utterly trash tier, cading is not viable because of how the crates work, running is not viable, WHY THE FUCK are normal zombies removed, why does it not matter if I shoot with my gun 10 or 20 seconds ( Every gun above Tier 2 pistols is either to hard to obtain due to how point distribuion works or just useless ). There are so many things that could be done to make this server better, but the latests upgrades are all heading in the wrong direction. Let's remember when ZS had a stable and motivated playerbase last time ... Right, when we still had classes and a way to obtain weapons without hugging supply crates 24/7. The idea of the shop is fine, but the execution is terrible. In the perfect ZS every strategy would be viable ( running, cading, hiding ), but right now neither of those strategys does anything ( Cading is disencouraged by people still being able to break object as human when they are nail due to the lack of unnailing option and weak guns, running doesn't work since you are 100 % cut off from supplys or the crate spawns for 2 people outside and not for 20 in cading spot and the new "Infected" that got a terrible rework that killed their design idea , and hiding, while never being a viable option, is completly impossible now due to permahasted fasties ( aka infected ). And WHO THE FUCK had the idea of being able to buy SP with Greencoins .....
  8. Classic shit, I approve. ( We need more mall maps )
  9. Happy Birthday Peon, was too lazy to organise a party btw :V

  10. No, no , just NO. I am glad extendoing stopped
  11. Steam Clavus or Ywa ?
  12. Why the fuck can humans damage nails Wow, Past-Tennis just answered Future-Tennis' question Unnailing ~ Damaging
  13. Why the fuck can humans damage nails
  14. Anyone here besides you speaking Portugese ?
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