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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Tootao

  1. My new web, By Tootao , Is good or bad? WWW.DOWNLOADS10.COM

  2. Tootao

    Client Cs

    nono, i was looking for put in my web « Crew Ywa: Removed link » thanks i have been uploaded !
  3. Hi,guys ! Where can i download the client for cs?
  4. Is the new server cap the flag?
  5. Hello all I'm back, I'm on vacation !!
  6. Heeeello !!!!!!! Mini games ? deathmatch,race,stunt,teams war etc..
  7. Tootao

    Away !

    I'm without time to play 7~12h = school 2~4= school help 5~8 = english school
  8. Hello, all I'm here now , free :X So, what you think do to a web of lef4green in portuguese ~portugal~brazil ? www.left4green.pt ... i dont know leave your comment
  9. Tootao


    wb to you :]
  10. Tootao

    Away !

    Like i'm with school now, i will enter +/-
  11. Tootao

    Away !

    I'm back :]
  12. Away from my home / Vacation

  13. Tootao

    Away !

    Hello, guys ! I'm away from my home I back in 2 week Good game for all ;]
  14. idk =/
  15. no.. then, in somes map ?
  16. Are you completely ignoring what I'm saying? no man, you are a nice friend..
  17. My opnion continues It should be created and tested ! About the topcrew:Ywa says: talk with binslayer ,not me...............
  18. i will stop to post my ideas because ALL, declined do not test do not see Who need say:is good/ is bad is the PLAYERS.. so it should be tested!
  19. Good luck ! although I have been refused, I am not bothered !
  20. Good point. Narrows maps would be a killfest.. And I already thought this could actually be implemented for fun : ( (Nevertheless 50 would ensure spamming. 200 is just enough to ensure a victory.) Yes yes, i was wrong 200 for not spam / killfest etc.. This will be the thing most used in shop gc
  21. 200gc is high too.. 50max And a time-limit for drop barrels..? ( or no ? ) Example: i'm under 300m than you, i will drop the barrel
  22. Hello, guys ! I'm here again for post my suggestions :] The barrel system: - How to work? -The player press a number [4,1,2,etc ] and drop a barrel in your position Price:20gc, 25 , i dont know, the admins can decide GetPosition X,Y,Z , CreateObject ( x,y,z ) And appear a text in right or left screen talking that the player has been dropped the barrel. What is the objective with that? R- do with the players use more your GC and shop F6.. And with that,estimulate the gc buy's Enjoy and comment !!
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