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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reiska

  1. well, that sounds reasonable. Will have to see how those would work if I can get my green coins to work at the server at some point
  2. there needs to be a way to let people get health, other than rtd, that would be corrected either with the classes, or if you could get a medkit instead of that tool kit at a random chance, either way would work.
  3. Me in moominworld, yes, im still alive.
  4. Well I am doing an bachelors degree in nursing and health education, that is interesting, while doing gigs in hospitals, health care centers seeing and helping many patients with different backgrounds, problems. I am in a relationship and also I enjoy doing powerlifting and trying to lift more and more weight. So I have on going education, work, relationship and a serious hobby that I have been doing nine years, so I dont have that much time for games. At the moment im trying to finish my thesis.
  5. My new fav game nowadays is life, still wouldn't mind a little zombie apocalypse to come, see if I still got the skills
  6. the place was dead for me a long time ago
  7. Well I do miss dominating everybody, now I have do it in real life. My English has probably worsened quite a bit since i haven't talked to mic for such a long time the server was good practice to that as well
  8. ass.
  9. ass
  10. My army service ended 2 days ago, im a free medic finallyB)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mogadonskoda
    3. Reiska


      there is not much to come back to here now is there though:ninja:

  11. Life is a mothtafucka...

    1. Duby


      Sounds like someone has missed me. ;')

    2. Reiska


      Wont admit it in court

  12. A ghost from the past has appeared

    1. Duby


      You should of stayed as a ghost

  13. Looks cool, sorry to say I havent had time to be involved with this since army and personal life keeps coming in the way, but hopefully I will at some point come back wiser and stronger than ever to help with this
  14. Fucking around in the woods
  15. going camping 4 days in the woods with the other medicks and on a last day we have an evacuation march where we have to evacuate someone couple of kilometers, I sure as hell will pick the skinniest guy I aint gonna evacuate someone who weights 100 kilos goddammit

  16. Nope not dead, just in the army learning medick stuff and becoming wiser by the day

  17. Also let this topic be also used in the future about any discussion about the quality of maps or any complaints about them, much easier that way
  18. Post here what maps you would like to see in zs 3.0. Here is just a basic list not perfect or tested just a list of some maps that will be there and some wont. Since I am in army I have limited time to deal with this so help is needed zs_zombie_village_redone zs_zerbes_corruption zs_vulture_fixed zs_vitron_f9 zs_villagehouse_final zs_village_v2 zs_uglyfort_v2 zs_uglyfort_snow1 zs_tunnels_fixed_v2 zs_tigcrik zs_termites_v2 zs_swimming_pool_v2 zs_summit_b1 zs_subway_part1_fixed zs_subway_1_cargo zs_subversive_v1 zs_subversive_part4 zs_subversive_part3 zs_storm_fixed zs_siege_v5 zs_shithole_v3 zs_sewers_final zs_sector4f_fixed_v3 zs_scrapyard zs_s_evergybunker_v2 zs_ravenholm_v4 zs_raunchyhouse_opt zs_raunchierhouse_fixed2 zs_pub_v2 zs_port_v5 zs_plague_v2 zs_placid_final zs_overran_city_reborn zs_noir zs_necrotic_v3 zs_nastiesthouse_v2 zs_lockup_v2 zs_lighthouse_v1 zs_laboratory zs_junkyard zs_jail_v1 zs_insurance zs_infirmary zs_house_outbreak zs_hospital zs_hazard_v2 zs_greenpub_b1 zs_fury_v3 zs_forgotten_city_fixed zs_forbidden_bureau zs_filth_v3 zs_dump_v1 zs_despair zs_deadhouse zs_deadblock_v2 zs_dam_v2 zs_crackhouse_v2 zs_cityholdout zs_city_14_fixed zs_chaste_part1 zs_canyon zs_cabin_v2 zs_buntshot
  19. Boys I am now officially a pioneer

  20. Tomorrow I have to go to the service of the army, which means I wont have much time on my hands

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Snotteh


      wow, one lone potato...one BIG adventure: Starring Reiska

  21. I think religions in on itself is like a dick; its fine to have one but dont go waving it around on peoples faces
  22. Im pretty isis has the only goal of making an islamic nation even its name stand for the Islamic State ,and im pretty sure they dont give a shit where the money comes from as long as they can fulfill their sick goal any means neccessary and you are saying that a islam has nothing to do with a group that has a name islamic state, all members are considered muslims, they read and take quran quite literally and scream allahu akbar at every instance? Im pretty sure a suicide bomber isnt blowing himself for a money either, its because he believes there are 72 virgins waiting for him after his deed
  23. kkk has not nearly as many members as isis and is not occupying a large terrritory and doing lethal explosive attacks in main european cities, also kkk is largely considered a joke by christians and by the general public as well, while isis is supported by many muslims worldwide, funded by rich arab leaders and taken pretty seriously, its a joke trying to compare these two back in the crusades christianity was used the same way is islam now; to conquer land, the difference is people realized that it was full of shit and took the religion out of governing land and out of their life, that hasnt happened to islam and it remains unchanged, so it can be used as a tool to make people do barbaric things and forget their humanity. Islam needs more leaders that question its teachings and adopt a new way so that it could work in modern times, because after all the whole Quran itself was created in a time of turmoil and much of its context is out of date
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