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Mr. Green Gaming


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Status Updates posted by Sacrevy

  1. And then all the dwarfes, unicorns, ponies and all the imaginary creatures will come alive, and live will be heaven

  2. My imaginary pony is dancing on a cloud at the moment... Its legendary..

  3. Yes, there all around us... They got me here...

  4. No, im not high..

  5. Wow... Pink fluffy unicorns are dancing on rainbows atm... I wish you could see this..

  6. Im sorry. Did not know you would take it that seriously, its a joke. Sorry.

  7. Its not ment as a curse, my name is ZomBitch, but people call me zom/zomb. I call kefeteus kefebitch,EmraBitch,OrnoBitch ;) its not ment as a curse. :) Greetings, ZomBITCH

  8. Where do you get all these little videos from avatar from? there hilarious xd

  9. Aardappeltoilet

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