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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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The Lazy Peon last won the day on June 7 2012

The Lazy Peon had the most liked content!

About The Lazy Peon

  • Birthday 04/02/1995

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    The Lazy Peon

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  • Interests
    Rugby, the inside of Sneed, video games (obviously), movies, music and all that type of thing. Luke is a sexy man-bag

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  1. Great game, men get shot Guns feel great...
  2. It's almost here In fact, many of us have already walked the beautiful lands of Tyria: It already feels like home If you've been playing, How's it going? Show us a picture! We, That's the Guild masters/ Officers of our little MR.G/PS Collaboration are looking forward to the great and mighty gathering of players, that's you, and are ready to divide and conquer! Currently the Guild system is a little... broken, but as soon as it is possible, we will form and do the necessities, after that, it's up to you guys to help us to greatness Our allies will bow before us, our enemies shall know us by the banner we leave impaled into their ranks, We are the next generation of bad asses! Sign up, join in, and let's fight some Dragon! We'll see you out in the field -Peon *Remember to join our steam group to keep updated!
  3. A new age dawns, Gentlemen: We'll have the guild up and running very soon, so sit tight and sharpen your swords... It's going to be a long adventure indeed My character is called Jaer Mourne: Add me!
  4. MINECRAFT NAME- The Lazy Peon WHY WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE IN THE FACTION- Because I invented the Prodigal Sons + Sounds like a laugh WHAT CAN YOU OFFER AS A LONG TERM MEMBER- Dedication + Someone who you actually know, Minky... MC TEAMSPEAK- Yeah BUILDING SKILL LEVEL- This is irrelevant PREVIOUS MEMBER- As I said, founding father. Also, to re-iterate what Nukem said, Wez, you're not in charge buddy :')
  5. You make a good point Quert Let's re-rail this crazy ass topic
  6. Gentlemen, i understand that we are pushing for equality here: But this guy is an arse and has been for the whole time he's been here. Reaper, you gotta understand that he is directly offensive to people, and he shouldn't get away with being a peen
  7. I think I speak for all of us terminator: Fuck off, and leave L4G alone, you're just an aggressive fool who thinks he's cool. So please, do us all a favour and get out of our lives and go somewhere where people like you can multiply and fester alone, and nobody has to listen to your verbal excretions
  8. Played this on the Xbox: It's great fun and stays loyal to the old games in quite a few ways. Bullet time is better than ever
  9. Hundy, don't worry: We all hate Terminator, and you're right: Smashing a glass is a very agro provoking statement, especially in places like England where all we do is fight in bars
  10. You want me to say something racist don't you Sneed? Well, I'd challenge the fellow to a duel at dawn
  11. Anyone else? What are you all doing?
  12. He's... He's beautiful We're geniuses
  13. Hello Greenies, As all who are involved will know, the first Beta of GWII was a huge success and gave us a real taste of the game to come! What did you think of it? What would you have liked to have seen improved? Well, perhaps some of your desires will have been sated: If you have pre-ordered the game, check your e-mail address, because you're invited to a second beta! Running for two days, it'll be another chance to sample the next great direction that Left 4 Green is going to take! Remember to keep us up to date with what you think, how your character is doing and any epic loot that you find! Good luck, and we'll see you out in the field! -Peon SOME FOOTNOTES - Our server is Magus Falls, and it's here where the Prodigal Sons guild will be based! DEATH TO ALL COMERS! - If you haven't already, join our steam group. It's called The Prodigal Guild, and it's going to be the best way to keep up to date with our tom-foolery and get involved! - The Prodigal Sons is a spin off of Left 4 Green, and will be forming it's own mini-community, whilst staying brutally loyal to L4G: Why not help us get off the ground and watch some of our YouTube videos/ mods? (when they're uploaded of course!)
  14. The Lazy Peon

    Day Z

    Should I waste my money on ARMA, with the possibility of me, Minky, Xeim and Clav sitting in 4 corners of a room twitching in fear? Possibly...
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