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Mr. Green Gaming

The Lazy Peon

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Everything posted by The Lazy Peon

  1. I like this idea- lots of palm trees would be nice. Also, be sure not to have TOO much water. Some would be an excellent change, whereas too much will break up the fighting to much. I love the idea though, and let's stop arguing and let the man go to work.
  2. Let's face it- It's santa claus
  3. "The Leader of Homosapiens"...

  4. It's Ywa! finally... although in my imagination he had an Afro
  5. I dont think there's any reason to even to wish the guy luck. Corby will get the job hands down- everyone knows and loves him. Good luck anyway mate.
  6. Brilliant ideas Balmung, i liked the crash helmet and the fez the best!
  7. Hey guys, Here's just another token of mine and Sneed's affection. Once again, if you arn't featured: bitch to my steam profile 'till i do something about it! It's easy and free We love this community, So this ones for you: Enjoy, and revel in the madness. SPECIAL MENTIONS: 1. Clavus isn't being raped? 2. A big thanks to our own LEMON who posed himself (also made a de-formed scout and griefed us a bit, but ah well) 3. ERROR is now an offical guitar hero 4. a big thanks to nublin Phil and his server
  8. Damien is right, with the new buddy system just on our doorstep, its kinda pointless improving a class designed to survive alone. I thought the classes were being re-made anyway...
  9. You seem like a nice enough fellow. I'd reconmend you. You can't help your age, but i'm sure the admin team could overlook the factor once. Good look anyway buddy, see you around.
  10. Thats rare. Hannah Montana! Just lol.
  11. thanks for telling me that valuable gem of info
  12. -have sex with ERROR, again - go to dublin (YES!) - Chill out until im as cold as... a very cold thing - Get angry at the world cup - Watch the NBA playoff finals - Meet up with Sneed and shake his hand for all the laughs he's given me - Pray for some new games - Kick ass - Chew bubble gum (out of gum) - Team kill Clav on BC2 - Send Chickennugget hate mail in french - Watch AT LEAST 10 of chainsawman's Let's Plays - Sleep at some time, i guess - Wait for Gabe Newell to delay Portal 2, then announce Gordon Freeman Offically dead E: Metaphorically meet up with Sneed, not in real life.
  13. Happy birthday buddy. THAT IS MY PRESENT, WORDS!
  14. Good luck buddy, with a nice app.
  15. Let's face it- the more we fuck around with ZS, the worse it gets. Simplicity is key.
  16. indeed, peon is the sex slave give him 10 he will do the suprise he did for clavus when were playing bc2 i swear, your gonna get us killed Sneed.
  17. Hey buddy, enjoy your stay. Welcome to the big, confusing, strange and extended family that is Mr.Green.
  18. How the hell do you guys pose like that? Its epic
  19. Some screenies. The guns seem chunkier, notice.
  20. As far as i know, the beta is a different game at the moment, but later the full game is gonna be updated with the beta stuff.
  21. So, what do you think of the new CS:S? Did you get a beta spot? What would you like to see now? Obviously i got in, and i'm quite enjoying it. i ramped the graphics up high and it works a treat. its a little laggy, but im sure Valve will fix that for the full game. After all, 'tis only a beta. Some new weapons would be nice, but maybe that would knock the equillibrium of the game. Not that it is spectacularily balanced anyway... Anyway, its good fun. Can't wait for the finished product.
  22. 5/10 ... Nice!
  23. Sneed, what the fuck. Lets face it, that was THE most random thing IN THE UNIVERSE. i cried though. you made my day boy *tips hat*
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