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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BadPing

  1. So you think pingus are cute? Think again.

    Homewrecking Penguin

    1. Knul


      ew, that's a lot of blood

  2. So is it dead now? Sad
  3. Some eye opening stuff here. Good job!
  4. Waddup Does anyone have a video of high ping rammers? From their point of view. Like just getting in front of another car, looking back and watching them magically fly away. You know what I mean?


    You no cock, you MOOSE


    1. ChickenAttack



      I am water, like you my friend

    2. jack123


      badPingeada miamor wb :hi:

  6. Cool video. Had no idea about 'slow zones' WTF!
  7. Can this be played with an ***unofficial*** version of the game? Is it a separate mod like MTA?
  8. eeeeyyyy nice one 8/10
  9. Reading through these last posts it´s clear everyone likes and hates different gamemodes. Making rooms would stop these kind of topics from popping up but the player base is not large enough for 5 separate servers and MIX would lose its appeal. Anyway, you can make another poll about it (and find a developer willing to devote the time needed). Back to the topic, CTF should be kept because people do like it. If at a particular moment in time there are more people online who prefer a specific gamemode then it will get the replays it deserves and longer playtime, which is fair enough. The less favored gamemodes would only be played once but people who like them would still get the chance to enjoy them. What's wrong with that?
  10. @Grizzly your dog fetish won´t let you think straight. People like the gamemode and every reason you give to remove it is utter crap. You are shilling for the wrong team here. You can cry as much as you want but CTF stands strong. Viva la CTFap!
  11. ATTENTION EVERYONE: DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THIS TOPIC'S PROPAGANDA Fun, teamwork, chaos, everyone gets to play until the end. Great gamemode overall 10/10 would replay every time. LMAO playing for tops. Irrelevant. Worst argument ever. You obviosuly lack leadership skills to organize your team and push them to victory. This gamemode will teach you some important life skills. Absurd claim. No credible sources. Discarded. It gets replayed plenty of times for me. What do you mean there´s no objective? Capture the flag boy! Maybe that's the reason you hate it, you didn´t even know what to do! Man I feel sorry for you. You mean substituting Manhunt with CTF. And yes it was, both gamemodes should have been kept. Arranged only to prove anti CTF shills like you that it is indeed a great gamemode and should stay. The votes are in, CTF should stay! Delusional anti CTFap conspiracists have been proven wrong once again. Your propagandist lobbying efforts will go to waste.
  12. Who's behind the anti-ctf agenda? This is madness, CTF should never be removed it's one of the best gamemodes on mix.
  13. lol what a bitch just make an unban appeal, no need for this pity topic
  14. The desecration is real. Are there at least any fappers on the list?
  15. Yes, repeat. I was not able to partake in this first event but sounds like a great opportunity to fap to the best Mix has to offer.
  16. Wrestlemania
  17. We grow and fap harder every pasing day May the fap never stop
  18. Nice remix. First time I hear it 8/10 Can anyone else recognize the great tracks Justin Bieber has been releasing lately?
  19. VERY NICE! 9/10
  20. Nostalgic 8/10
  21. Please don't. It's not shitty, just challenging.
  22. Too cheesy for me 2/10
  23. Cool map brah. Peru needs more cables though. How come Chile's got a cable to Hawaii? Totally unfair.
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