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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by BadPing

  1. Damn. So much nostalgia right now...
  2. OMGOMGOMGOMG BIN! Maximum respect for the nts master! Congrats jack!
  3. Would be best admin. Accept immediately!
  4. Map: IDK Server: Race Boring, pointless, no chance to win if you spawn with a shit car. Complete waste of time, not fun at all. P.S.: Hydra maps are great and cry's map is really good.
  5. OMG 3hardcore5me/10 Let's take a step back and mellow
  6. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. I never got to play the map!
  7. Down with the walls of oppression!
  8. SDK on DM a few months ago. Still waiting.
  9. My IP is blacklisted. What to do?

    1. BadPing


      14 different lists :(

    2. AfuSensi


      call your isp?

  10. Yessssss, One of the most regular players. There's rarely any admin at the time I play but there's always Mosh, so great fit.
  12. Ok. Another suggestion. Maybe update the first post with milestones in progress, what is currently being developed or in the works and which ideas/suggestions are gonna be implemented in the future? This may avoid reposting of the same suggestions and gives a better sense of progress. Players should be more aware of changes made and future changes on the servers IMO.
  13. Can you make the changelog display more than 10 entries? I've just discovered it and would like to see more. Please?
  14. #WhiteAndGold

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BadPing


      While the original colors of the dress are black and blue, the colors captured by the camera are actually closer to white and gold. My eyes are true!

    3. Personalizado
    4. BadPing
  15. Release us!
  16. Pretty cool!! MrGreen fan fiction lol
  17. Reminds me of ableton live 8. What is this and how long does it take you to make it?
  18. I would like to keep the randomness and fairness in the game please and thank you.
  19. 6/10 Would probably be higher if I could understand the language. Now to keep the funk going on. Try not to get down and boogie while listening to this grooovy stuff (you can't).
  20. Nice!! I do have the longer burnup perk so I'll keep the 5 seconds rule in mind. Thanks!
  21. Hey all, I'd like some advice on what to do after my vehicle starts burning while playing on race, considering there are no repairs around. I'm never sure what the best move is when this happens. I'll try to explain myself. Sometimes I would rush to the next CP and die a few seconds after I reach it but I would not respawn in the CP I just passed but on the previous one. Some other times I do respawn on the CP I just got. In the former situation, I guess killing myself as soon as my HP reaches 0 would be the best thing to do because I wouldn't waste time trying to reach the next CP. The problem is I can never tell in which CP I'm going to respawn so I can make the best choice (killing myself or going for one more CP). What I want to know is how your respawn position is determined by the game. Is it a matter of distance to the CP or maybe elapsed time since the last one? I tried to figure this out by myself but obviously I couldn't so it would be great if anyone could share their knowledge about how this works and what's the most efficient thing to do when your car is burning. *CP = checkpoint (just in case)
  22. NICE MAP!!! Kinda fun if it doesn't happen too often.
  23. It's supposedly in the works! @viiNi
  24. It's just that sometimes there's an EXTREME lagger who can't be killed and is all bugged out. Other than that, this is a rage/hate thread.
  25. Spoken like a true moose.
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