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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by CarPileUp

  1. "Redgord is a fag" lololol
  2. Happy new year
  3. Pass my school exams
  4. Steam: pokerstar94 Xfire: carpileup
  5. Welcome back
  6. Oh yes.. I know this game. Played it hours and nearly crushed my pc cuz it was fucking hard to understand and sometimes frustrating too. Roller Coaster 1/2 is easy. 3 is shit i think.
  7. I get this error when i try to watch the pictures: [#10171] You do not have permission to view this attachment.
  8. Please continue in your previous topic.
  9. "This video clip shows Sony Music Entertainment. This video can no longer appear in your country." Derp Same
  10. (media)"Youtubelink"(/media) [ ] instead of ( )
  11. 5/10 What about this
  12. CarPileUp

    1 to a 1000

  13. Write more about yourself and why you think you are ready to be an admin. And i didnt see you often on the server. That Aiur is still Admin on the ZS Server is a bit strange. He isn't really active on the Left4Green forums/IRC and he is not helpful or friendly to other players. I don't want to act like a boss. Don't understand me wrong please!
  14. Whats new ? You can carry props (crates, tires ....) when you look on a prop and press E. It disappears and you can throw them with Mouse 2. Sometimes it's really annyoing and unfair
  15. The new propkill system is epic
  16. Nothing. I got a new Computer for birthday (1100€) and that was my christmas present too.
  17. Welcome!
  18. CarPileUp

    Congrats Axon

    Happy Birthday
  19. CarPileUp

    1 to a 1000

  20. Well you can ask deluvas but i dont really have problems with the scope.
  21. pokerstar94
  22. Coldplay - Life in technicolor
  23. Osmos
  24. How did he die?
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