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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sukkerpups

  1. Due to requests Mr. Green now has a Valheim server! Jej! You can find all the information you need under the Valheim category in the Discord server. https://discord.gg/X2nYJQYSZ4 For the time being the server is barebone, which means that there's only a few selected mods and adjustments done to the server. Current mods and settings are as follows: Valheim + Bepinex. Better wards. Marketplace. Weather damage on buildings has been disabled. Quick connect for a smooth no-password connection to the server. Compass. 10 player slots, which can be increased if needed. Whitelisted server. I will start advertising for Mr. Green Valheim server. Soon, with some luck and success, new members will start to join the Mr. Green community one by one to play on the Valheim server. Soon i will be starting a mini event to get some of the current members of Mr. Green to join the server. I hope as many as possible are able to join up. This is to show activity and interest for new members that joins the community. It will be a lot easier and smoother to get new players to join the server if there's already someone there. This Valheim server is whitelisted. This means that everyone has to create an application under the Valheim category in the Discord server. There's not many questions to answer and the applicaiton process is quick. Steam64 ID are to be supplied when creating an application so i can add it to the whitelist file. Suggestions are appreciated when it comes to which mods are to be installed on the server. Do we want an RP server? Do we want a PVP server? Who knows, we'll figure that out together. Also, everyone can make server suggestions in the Discord server in the "︳suggestions" channel under the Valheim category. Have fun!
  2. Thank you for your input, it's appreciated. It doesn't have to have Valheim+ included at all since most mods are supported through Bepinex, and Valheim+ is a mod in it self, however Valheim+ is really good when it comes to general settings on a server with specific mods in mind. There are other mods than Valheim+ to override general settings depending on which and how many mods that are on the server. But like i mentioned, it all depends on where we want to go with this server and what the community want in a Valheim server. This will be an easy fix to figure out when i've gathered some more information.
  3. Hi! I'm here to ask the Mr.Green's community if they are interested in a new Valheim server. Before we start tho, let me do a quick introduction. My name is Morgan and you can find me on on Discord @Sukkerpups. I am the new Valheim game server manager. Yesterday i reached out to the Mr.Green community and suggested a Valheim server and i offered my self to manage it as well. The Mr.Green management thought this was a good idea. So, i'm here to day to ask the Mr.Green community what you guys would want in a Valheim server, and if you want a Valheim server in the first place. These are some of the routes we can take with a Valheim server: Vanilla server: Which means a barebone original gameplay experience for everyone. Modded server: Which basically means there are endless of possibilities to expand the gameplay. Vanilla server. Now, the Vanilla experience is fun in it self and are limited to 10 players playing simultaneously. Overall this is a great experience for both new players and for the more experienced ones as well This being said the general game experience will become repetitive after completing all the bosses and the content will be exhausted quite fast after this. Unless new Valheim players are recruited all the time, the playerbase will drop quite fast after some time. Even tho i love the vanilla gameplay, this is a sad reality. Modded server. Compared to Vanilla servers longevity can be extended with mods. With a modded server we can start out with a Vanilla server and expand as time goes by. To give you an overview of what mods can do, here are are some examples: Pure PvP/PvE or both mixed together with zones. New bosses and monsters - Can also be custom made. Custom raids. Want dragons to attack at certain times? No problem. Marketplace and NPC's. Want to have an RP server with it's own economoy? That's easy. Weather effects. Tired of the night? Extending the daytime is possible. Do you love snow? How a bout some snow and cold weather that deals damage. Hey, why not have whole seasons like summer and wintertimes. Buildings. Modded servers has the ability to add different, new and custom building materials. Tired of people griefing your buildings? Why not make them indestructable or have better wards. Events like arena PVP is fun and easy to create. Longevity. The longevity of a Vanilla server compared to a modded server is massive. However, not everyone wants to play on a modded server and vice versa. That's why i'm here to day. What kind of a server would you like, and do you guys even want a Valheim server for the Mr.Green community? Please share your thoughts, opinions, experiences and your visions below.
  4. I'l try to dig up that information. It's been a while, so i'm not quite sure if i remember everything correctly. I'l get back to you regarding this. Thanks by the way!
  5. It's been so many years since i wrote something here, and i was an eager zombie mod player back in the days. I remember purchasing an in game title "Boobs? Yes please" for unknown reasons as well! It must have been what, 10+ years ago, or even longer? Sad that my old website account doesn't exist any more tho (or so i think). It doesn't matter. I've stepped by the website every now and then to check for updates, and i must say that I'm glad to see the zombie mod is coming to life once more!
  6. i might be wrong but maybe its ur shader details ? you can change that in options > advanced. Probably some options or something you didnt enable or are set to high/low etc
  7. Only tried it a few times so it might be how you jump or something. Who knows ;P EDIT: and it might have something to do with the difficulty, since you loose more damage.. But yet again, who knows, im to lazy to check it out to much ;P
  8. There is a shortcut you can use if your going to speed run, from the starting area there are 2x Vents (air condition or whatever its called) you can jump on from the roof. You will loose about 70-90% of your life tho, but it still saves you some time even if you should decide to use first aid. And its not that far to run to the safe room from there. Thought you wanted to know.. You can also crush one of the windows on the roof and jump down to the second floor without loosing any hp, not sure if its that much faster then the normal way trough the stairs.
  9. Henk was playing with his shoes in his attic when his mother died in her sleep. The next morning he told his dead mom that he wants a playbunny to have some fun breaking the law. He was getting very pissed and slapped his wife with his chainsaw protection cover. The shit from the toilet flew out and he pooped in his pants when falling down the sewer. But he could grab on hes umbrella when
  10. NORWAY!!
  11. Thats cool with an english forums, to be honest i didnt pay much attention to the mr-green.nl forums because i didnt understand crap I think it will become a bigger community now that everyone understand everything or that more peoples will be interested in joining up =) Good job with the forums!
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