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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by SkyNET

  1. I did not really knew him only just seen long time ago. Feels so bad as the time goes we are passing away hope he did not suffering. May i ask how / what happened?
  2. banned for 3 days afrer disscus it with manager. Ban ends: 15:44 13.12.18
  3. lol no
  4. Satellite Reign is free on Humblebundle not on steam
  5. this is so unacceptable..... saying the same as i usually do on an application......................
  6. a hand with the middle finger show up would be nice
  7. fu
  8. nice finally CnT members dont have to /lol SkyNET when i join xD
  9. WTF. I really cant decide in which way is this guy such stupid? Stupid because he really thinks we cant look after chat or stupid because he thinks he dont get punishment for being annoying
  10. When i was talking about this with Cena he said you would be the 1st to buy something from here xD
  11. So after having a discussion about this topic with other admins i decided to giving a last chance to Sandy. Others come up with the idea to replace it with 3 months mute. I came up with a better solution i dont give mute instead i let him talk but if he just even says 1 word for me i will make it perma again. This goes to any other players that came here attacking me. About myself i can only promise i wont welcoming players anymore in the way i usually do. I expect all of you the same ( thinking about not talking to me and i wont talk to you either) You dont like me i dont like you either but we can play together in silence. So be happy and go play. Gonna close the topic now
  12. keep dreaming dude i could even ban you for saying false things about me
  13. dude you made this topic for provoke not for a real discussion your coming here playing the upset like an actor because of a player you dont even know just ingame so stop coming with your "discussion" you wanted drama you got it now you can stop it or i stop it
  14. So let me see it. if i am banning you because you cant lock your mouth and just keep continue provoke does that make me corrupt? In this case all the world is corrupt. You probably dont know how the thing works in situations like this then
  15. How many times and how many way shall i tell you that I DONT CARE about you and your fake/ theatrical opinion. Go sit down and play in quiet as you did before or gtfo from here
  16. Everything you say here is 99% true. There is a word (1%) that is just not true. People here know which word is that
  17. you can have your free speech i dont care how much free time do you have to provoke here with your "free speech" i just wont care about it sooner or later :))))) and i dont get these screens what proves for you? its a fucking basic thing we wont let you simple palyers telling us what we can do
  18. sorry i cant take any random players with their few months exp on green serious. Else i would have a lot of work. But feel free to talk to me in 7 years later with 7 years exp.
  19. yep and i am repeating myself last time. Stop talking to me and i wont do anything. Last time. Getting bored of random players like you and your band
  20. if you are on this opinion then why dont you just play in silence instead of starting topic like this. I tell you why because you are a player too that likes arguing. I am always talking generaly not towarding to a person. If you cant take that its not my fault. There is a very simple unwritten rule. You dont talk to me i wont do anything. Fucking easy dont you think it? I never started provoke players. If i ban someone for it thats because he cant stop what he started. And mariana's situation is the prof of that I punish players that arguing with the whole community without any reason
  21. yep. joking and honestly this is all communication i do with players takes like 3 seconds to welcomeing like that. Then i am going and playing in silence not continue provoke ppl on pupose like you. This is the difference between you and me.
  22. For everyone: He is talking about me. And yes i ban players now that provoke others for years. You are the same person as sandy that provoke people without any reason. Sometimes the only solution is permaban. I banned mariana for it i made the decision to unban him when it was Christmas ( Christmas gift) i mentioned if any topic comes about his behaviour i will ban him again and no more unban. About Sandy: 7 years of loyalty? more like 7 years of provoke. He is not a simple troll. He offend people for purpose because he enjoys it. I have been here for 10 years and i can show like 10 incoming pms of these years aboout complains on him. And you my friend should take it serious because i think the only solution to stop players like you and sandy is to remove from the whole community for ever. End of the story
  23. no
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