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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Drainal

  1. It says: "The BanHammer has spoken!" when banned on a MineCraft server, not the BanMonitor.
  2. You mean "Ban Monitor" No, he means BanHammer.
  3. Alternatively you could link the teleportation to factions which disables teleportation on enemy territory - Then you could also add time 'till you port.
  4. Drainal

    Lag hack

    Eh, what happens is... You entered a chunk with a lot of entity/mob activity, abruptly lowering your FPS, thus causing you to lag.
  5. Instead of telling them the exact co-ordinates you should make red X's that appear on the dynamic map. Cool idea man, way to keep .nl alive.
  6. « Crew Clavus: Leave those comments to me. Warn level raised. »
  7. « Crew Clavus: Stay out of unban topics. Warn level raised. »
  8. Sweet! But you should outline them darker, like what Minky said.
  9. « Crew Clavus: Stay out of unban topics. Warn level raised. »
  10. Fix'd I do not get how a competitive online game can have a set difficulty -.- Wth.. Since it's competitive, it's not really "Noob-Friendly" and therefore you get to set your difficulty in match-making so you're not set up with pros when you're a noob or vice versa. I think you can change it though, I haven't tried to though.
  11. Naggy? Lolwut, you get banned for going idle, but never do I do it intentionally, it's always time to do my laundy, go to football practice or dinner... Besides, I hardly play MineCraft, friends just recently got accounts and they agreed they needed new leader.
  12. Lol, the only reason I know so much is because my fucking nerdy ass friends talk about it all the time. I've been only playing for like a month on Keralasys and I've been banned 4 times. Then I'd use Drainal for some extra practice or when I got banned... :3 I'm gonna get that Gary's Hood Autoclicker for RuneScape and see if it works for League of Legends; That way I don't get banned for idling.
  13. Eh, Jax is not really good - Everyone thinks he's good because of his stats. Yi is tooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy and I use him to troll lover levels. Riven is boss if you know how to execute her Q into her W then E to the R Lol, you don't use Master Yi to troll, use Mordekaiser and start saying: "Brazil?" or "Hue hue hue hue hue hue hue hue."
  14. RIVEN? LooooooL, ran Master Yi, run!
  15. Bro add this account: Drainal. Add Keralasys on May 2nd cause I just recently got banned on that one... Lol, I will on you with Ashe so hard!! If I get Tryndamere or Heracim...
  16. You guys did indeed duplicate items, I asked corby to check it out, and he did so. You noobs had more than 9 Fire Aspect Swords at the same exact durability if I remember correctly. I also remember your base, took more than 3000 Obsidian to construct that huge ass base. You guys also used your own TNT and blew up outer portions of you base as some sort of Protection. You and your faction were banned for duplication and hopefully it shall stay that way. Also, the video link is corrupt and don't describe the hacking case as lag - works against you to be honest.
  17. Drainal

    Odd event

    In my opinion we should just have another map Reset. I'm not saying this on my behalf of loosing The End portal, I'm saying this because this has gone way too far already with his having been done 3 times in a total of 5 days
  18. Change web browser, switch to previous one, worked for me.
  19. I have been bypassing it, and now I will exploit it to ze world!
  20. Listen, kid - You ain't getting a refund on shit. If you could just suck it up, get yourself a diamond pickaxe and mine that obsidian, it'd take approxiamately 21 minutes rather a day complaining about it.
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