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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Drainal

  1. Age of Empires (PC) The Legend of Zelda (GameCube, NES & N64) RollerCoaster Tycoon (PC) Zoo Tycoon (PC) Super Smash Bros. Melee (GameCube) Super Mario Strikers (GameCube) Pokemon Revolution (GameCube) Pokemon Colour (GameBoy) Pokemon Yellow (GameBoy) Pokemon Emerald (GameBoy) RuneScape (PC) Street Fighter (NES) Super Mario 64 (N64) Mario Kart (N64) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Xbox) Donkey Kong (N64) Sims (PC) Golden Eye (N64) Crash Bandicoot (PlayStation) Insaniaquarium (PC) Sims (The one where you lived on a farm, the only person I could remember is Dusty Hog) Paper Route/Boy (NES) Really old, was my favourite games of all time to be quite honest.
  2. Happy Birthday man

  3. Plugins: Pretty good, needs an Anti-XRay of course. Flying needs to be disabled if it hasn't been already. We need a better Anti-Hack plugin that completely puts an end to the current reach-hackers and speed-hackers. In the past, I posted a video of a guy named forceofthegrim free-camming, clicking a button which opened a door while he entered my base. Clavus said: "Redstone Glitch". That made me rofl. He didn't even have a redstone torch; so our current No-Cheat isn't doing any good. Game Types: I like this Anarchy integrated with Factions so the Server Theme, again, is pretty good. Server/Plugin Configuration: Inability to claim within The End and in The Nether is just stupid. Want to keep The Nether a 'Wild West' of some sorts? That's not gonna happen Clavus, no-one can get Nether-Warts and the people who do have it won't even sell it. Server's laggy as hell, and it kind of conflicts with the amount of ticks happening, hindering the Nether-Wart growth. There's no point in reserving a slot for 2$/Euros if we're still gonna have to wait until we get enough money to upgrade. The server theme kind of conflicts with the ability to donate. Some servers if you donate, you get items, perks, Mob Disguise... In my opinion that's all garbage. If you donate here, you only get recognition. No-one's gonna donate if there's no reward - Mungol just relies on the 12 year old Dutch kids, as if they're ever gonna donate. Maybe if you donate you get get TPA? I dunno. I was on this cool server the other day and it had a plugin named Heros, where it's MUCH harder to obtain EXP, but it's much more rewarding since you can KEEP it and keep enchanting (After relogging). In my opinion the server needs a /msg [playername] command and an /ignore [playername] command. Sometimes I was thinking of a /home command where you'd have to wait 5 seconds to go to your set /home. You can also configure it to disable teleportation on enemy territory (You can teleport away if they're offline and you're on enemy territory) Connection Stability: I can't say a lot about this since I haven't been on the Server often, but my points of view if a server's laggy or not is: If you can see TNT flying then it's not laggy; but that's just me. Community: The community is shit - There's too much hackers, and everyone is always negative, always swearing over a game! Ya, I used to do that, but until I realized it gets you absolutely nowhere, I've stopped. I mean, some of them rage-quit if you kill them, other's just Combat Log, replace their minecraft.jar files with a Hacking Client and then come back and kill me. Administration As everyone knows there's only 1 active Admin on the MineCraft server, and that's Corby. The rest don't even pay attention to MineCraft anymore thanks to the 12 year old Dutchies. Not everyone who hacks is banned. Along with installing an Anti-XRay plugin, you need the plugin: "FoundDiamonds" and configure it to say the player and what ores they've found only in the Server Logs so it won't spam the chat unreasonably. FoundDiamonds tells you: What ore they found and what light-level it was at of which they found it. Pretty decent plugin if you were to ask me. We obviously need a new admin(s) to BanHammer and regulate with Corby. Frustrations: The amount of Combat-Loggers/Evaders and people who don't even know it's not allowed. The sheer amount of people who hack and deny it to the end, even when I say I've got a recording/screenies somewhat proof of them cheating. Of course the lag hinders almost everything on the server. Sometimes I'd pull my trap, and without warning - The server would get a major lag spike and my enemy slips away. The lag also affects how much monsters can spawn and how much my Mob Grinder can produce hourly. Along with what I said earlier, it affects the growth rate of Nether-Warts. I also dislike how I can't pick up Monster Spawners. I liked how one time in 1.8 - When I was in the faction OneManArmy I made an underwater base with a skeleton Mob Grinder - If it works I will download the map and show. As of 1.0 Pre-Release you cannot move Monster Spawners with Silk Touch even. When 1.8 was added, you couldn't piston the Monster Spawners too.
  4. Reach-Hack can't be server-sided if it's a HACK. If it's not a hack it probably means that the server is laggy (As minecraft.nl usually is) And therefore you might have thought that he was further away when he hit you - But, since it's laggy he might have been right in front of you. Lag is misleading.
  5. How do you not know why your brother might've been banned? It's either hacks, duping, combat-logging or something else - And I find it funny that a large majority of the people who got banned don't know why they might've been banned... Ahhh... Fucking morons.
  6. I always thought .kill would kill you on the spot, how do you actually know what it does, ZomBitch?
  7. 100% agreement there. But doesn't everyone already know this?
  8. It would be easier to raid if there was less lag; Monsters would spawn more often, thus, giving you more EXP or their designated drops. With a high level of EXP, you could enchant your Weaponry/Armoury and head off to raiding. And as you won't be hindered by lag - You could practice your TNT Cannon skills on SinglePlayer and it won't be all much different on MultiPlayer as the result of less lag. You could of course install the plugin: Ammageddon and disable all of the options besides the Dispenser TNT Cannon and then raiding would be slightly easier. OR You could enable Nether claiming.
  9. How do I play Atom Collector?

  10. Then why are the people from: "Boogeyman" faction unbanned? *mrtms *boogeyman1123 *ScorpioSam *forceofthegrim Dude from the moment there was a new map every1 got a second chance. Clavus decided it pretty sure corby wouldn't let them play ever again if he had the power I demand an inspection of boogeyman, how do they have 42 diamond blocks and they hardly ever play!?
  11. We just mined 2 & 1/2 stacks of Obsidian for our base! Tip: The enchantment: "Effiecieny" reduces the time it takes to obtain blocks (Efficiency II will help you mine Obsidian in only 6 seconds) Here's our little pet, Knightjrod - He actually fell for the trap thanks to Atrueminer! Oh yea Look at me sexy! My snowman army <3 Self explanatory. :#
  12. Then why are the people from: "Boogeyman" faction unbanned? *mrtms *boogeyman1123 *ScorpioSam *forceofthegrim
  13. All thanks to me ^^ All thanks to corby*
  14. Are bans not permanent? 'Cause I see a lot of previously banned people coming back on after the map has been refreshed.
  15. MrCoceane you always have the best Texture Packs bro. And ARCEcho is just mad because I made fun of his retarded brother and how he might have the symptoms of possible retardation too.
  16. This really is a speedhack. NO-ONE can be that fast, even true knowing he has hack with this lagg caus the lagg is not warse enough for that without hacks. Nice, you've caught a hacker from Gedolf's faction... Keep in mind he's harvesting a lot of them - I have the conversation on skype in The MineCraft Hacker Reporting Topic.
  17. Off topic: I don't care about Christmas. Nobody even gives a shit about the real meaning of Christmas. So why would I/we give it a rest? You can't say nobody gives a shit about the real meaning of Christmas unless you've surveyed the 7 billion people on the earth. Even a sample of the data isn't enough to claim that nobody gives a shit about the real meaning of Christmas. Besides that, does it really matter if he posted his topic before he posted his evidence? He clearly stated he'd have it up tomorrow so why can't you comprehend that he'll have it up tomorrow? L2Read much - Then of all things you think anyone remotely gives a fuck if the Bans & Unbans Topics are annoying you? You're not that important, so no-one gives a shit about your opinion. Ignore the topics if you can and you could've easily requested an Admin to move this topic to it's corresponding thread. tl;dr Shut the fuck up no-one cares.
  18. Hello fellow MineCraftians, it's come to my attention that we don't have access to Nether and End claiming. More like Fire Aspect Swords or poison potions, this is truly annoying and needs to be enabled. I get that if you're anticipating Nether access and someone has blocked it that it could be a hinderance to your upkeep during raids/defending/trading (etc.) for potions or miscellaneous things. Although you may not have Nether access via your own portal, I'm sure an ally/neutral/enemy might be willing to let you access the nether if you trade them at least. I find it extremely annoying to have found a Blaze Spawner, but 5 hours later when I need some Blaze Rods for any random reason, I see the room just torn to bits, destructed completely. Sadly I can do nothing to prevent this as I can't claim - That's why I'm requesting for you, Clavus or Ywa to enable Nether claiming so us players don't have to struggle to obtain some items that would be regularly easy to farm. I don't see much trouble with claiming in The End unless you're having safe-house when Endermen are having sex with your Health Bar or you wanna escape them if you've lured multiple. Anyways, I hope you guys can look into my idea and hopefully implement it. Merry Christmas ~Drainal
  19. ditto Why has EVERYONE stopped using the hacker reporting topic? Getting facking annoying Probably 'cause they moved The MineCraft Hacker Reporting Topic to the Bans & Unbans forum.
  20. You are one of the MineCraft: "people", you have not donated - Stop talking.
  21. If you've never played MineCraft before, Iron Ore doesn't require Silk Touch to be harvested.
  22. Well yeah it sort of does. You dont want a cheap, crappy one with tinny sound do you? $20 might be cheap, but at least mine doesn't have: "tinny" sound.
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