How about half the ubercharge rate is it now for donators? I think that would be more than enough still. Come on now, it's not soley about the donators. Bad players who donated are still bad players. The guys i refer to (donator or not) are people that have a knowledge of the game, and are good players. Like i said before, it's not only about playing to win, it's knowing you play with people that will do, and can do, their best for the outcome a round. I dont want to ubercharge a random demo and all he manages to do is shoot 4 random grenades while praying to hit something. I rather charge someone like Axon and take out half their defense. I like the idea of a donation free server, but would it payload or ctf/cp (ruling out arena here alltogether) or a combination of both? I play on different servers too without donation benefits, does it instantly make me a worse player, or loose the basic knowhow of what to do and when? Ofcourse not. The only difference is a bit more defensive play to build an uber, but utilize it the same way as I do here. Further more, i have to say you pick out the worst example matches. Yes that round was stacked to one team, but what about all the other matches where it was axon vs insane and others, or insane vs insane even (I can't speak for the other clans here). Just because you don't join those matches doesn't mean they don't happen. I just want to make clear that just because someone donated, doesn't mean they got granted instant god status and can demolish the entire enemy team. In the end it's still the player that has to use the class and preform well, you don't perform well just because you donated.