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Everything posted by RaaFaaeL

  1. This message has appeared to me a few days ago.
  2. RaaFaaeL


    Horns? If you are referring to the horns, they probably are in the following folder on your computer C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.3\mods\deathmatch\resources\gcshop\horns\files
  3. God not found irony mode: ON
  4. You don't play Mr. Green MTA server. Therefore you think so Everything is to be fun, to the point where someone tries to ruin the fun =/I'm not an active player. But I've played MTA plenty of times to know what fun is and what not. I'm only commenting on what's happening in the video. That's not bannable or even kickable, in my opinion. I posted this video when he had already been banned This video was just to show that he did not suffer abuse. He tries to ruin the race of others. Whenever he is banned he says he suffered abuse. o.O
  5. You don't play Mr. Green MTA server. Therefore you think so Everything is to be fun, to the point where someone tries to ruin the fun =/
  6. if you want, you send me your map and I test on my test server.
  7. Strange. It's the first time I use Puma Markers, and worked perfectly for me. Do what the hulpje said :-)
  8. Is it working? For me, it's working :-)
  9. Download this: Puma-Markers.zip (148 KB) https://mega.co.nz/#!GggCyAgQ!UEOUrl-sP7EYh1PQqLeGIyOMXRVFCvgGa8-_eOQZpXQ put the Puma-Markers.zip in: C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.3\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\[editor] Open your map in the map editor and click in ''Definitions'' and add the Puma-markers Your meta.xml should be like <meta> <file src="music.mp3"></file> <script src="music.lua" type="client"></script> <info gamemodes="race" type="map" name="sfsfsf" author="papitasele" version="1.0.0"></info> <map src="test22.map" dimension="0"></map> <script src="Puma-Markers.lua" type="client" /> <file src="Icons/Teleport.png" /> <file src="Icons/TeleportD.png" /> <file src="Icons/SlowDown.png" /> <file src="Icons/SpeedUp.png" /> <file src="Icons/Stop.png" /> <file src="Icons/Fire.png" /> <file src="Icons/BlowUp.png" /> <file src="Icons/Jump.png" /> <file src="Icons/Flip.png" /> <file src="Icons/Reverse.png" /> <file src="Icons/Rotate.png" /> <file src="Icons/CarsFly.png" /> <file src="Icons/CarsSwim.png" /> <file src="Icons/Gravity.png" /> <file src="Icons/Magnet.png" /> <file src="Icons/Beer.png" /> <file src="Icons/Camera.png" /> <file src="Icons/FlatTires.png" /> <file src="Icons/Freeze.png" /> <file src="Icons/GameSpeed.png" /> <file src="Icons/Color.png" /> <file src="Icons/Weather.png" /> <file src="Icons/Time.png" /> <file src="Icons/Text.png" /> <file src="Icons/AntiSC.png" /> <file src="Icons/X.png" /> <settings> <setting name="#skins" value='[ "cj" ]'></setting> <setting name="#maxplayers" value="[ 128 ]"></setting> <setting name="#gamespeed" value="[ 1 ]"></setting> <setting name="#ghostmode" value='[ "false" ]'></setting> <setting name="#time" value="12:0"></setting> <setting name="#vehicleweapons" value='[ "false" ]'></setting> <setting name="#minplayers" value="[ 0 ]"></setting> <setting name="#respawntime" value="[ 5 ]"></setting> <setting name="#gravity" value="[ 0.008000 ]"></setting> <setting name="#waveheight" value="[ 0 ]"></setting> <setting name="#weather" value="[ 0 ]"></setting> <setting name="#locked_time" value="[ false ]"></setting> <setting name="#duration" value="[ 1800 ]"></setting> <setting name="#respawn" value='[ "timelimit" ]'></setting> </settings></meta>
  10. You activated the Puma-markers in the definitions?
  11. Hi :-) In the meta.xml file, Change this: <script src="Puma-Markers.lua" type="client"></script> to: <script src="Puma-Markers.lua" type="client" />
  12. abuse? you always annoys and tries to fuck other players. (recent video) Another topic about you // http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13487-videos-noobstar-blocking-on-mr-green-mta-server/ For me, you should be permanently banned. People like you that spoil the fun.
  13. I think it should go back to the limit of 45 FPS, to balance the race with people who have less FPS. People under FPS already have disadvantages, 60 FPS will only get worse. (my opinion)
  14. hulpje , EAZ is a fucking kid he starts to ram me and he always say racist words then im not bloking anyone exept him because he starts and i didnt take any screenshot pls unban me am not a noob as you know! why when there is kids and noobs blocking me you dont ban them why always ban me !! any problems with me? Do you remember when you blocked me and laugh at me? Now I'm laughing at you. I warned you that you would be banned. You are crying to be unbanned now. Poor thing!
  15. Here are the proofs >>>> http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13487-videos-noobstar-blocking-on-mr-green-mta-server/
  16. I separated 3 recent videos of player NoobStar or L/\nce (same person) blocking on Mr. Green MTA server. Topic with people complaining of noobstar >>>>> http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13169-warp-admin-abuse/ Topic of -]alw[-Taint3d >>>>> http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/13485-noobstar-and-kidblue/ Videos! PS: Put in 720P HD for details PS: Besides of player NoobStar, other players like Obsidian always blocks.
  17. He always does that. And he whenever laughs when he's not be punished. Some months ago >> http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/12762-ban-request-themaroccanjob/#entry114411
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