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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Cobblebock

  1. Cobblebock

    Day Z

    found a chopper bitches >
  2. Cobblebock

    Day Z

    you need combined operations
  3. lolled.
  4. make it a warzone
  5. never challenge rangers
  6. kanker gezellig hier

  7. u stole this picture from me grrrr D:

  8. ah really thanks guys appreciate that
  9. can somebody tell me what i can do to fix this plz?
  10. dude your also using xray so dont be a hypocryte
  11. maybye your members got killed and got claimed while you were off
  12. always the random complaining about hacking -.-
  13. LOL a hack client in the left top corner -.-
  14. i really wanna know how the plugin works :?
  15. Unnecessary hype initialized. Btw, think it's best to start a new map again on the upgrade? We need to revert back to the stable release of Factions and Dynmap anyway. Kill Ywa if it doesn't happen. hit up that new map!
  16. it sucks we build shit and its all getting deleted again......
  17. hahahahah daltons also hack. Hahahaha NOT! First of all we don't hack. I am recording a lot on mc.nl so i don't think i would record shit if i was hacking. Tonyhok doesn't hacks too because he records sometimes too. And second thing is that you don't have to say those random things when you first: doesn't have any proof and second is that you are just mad because of killing you. Daltons. thats just you but the rest of your faction is hacking. Oh, you guys. kefeteus! come back i am missing you
  18. sorry people i just asked sorry i didnt know it wasnt need to make a topic for this @emra and yes me no americano
  19. does anybody know what the diffrent between truce and ally is? me no english sorry :/
  20. no 100 slots me mad :'(
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