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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Reap3r

  • Birthday 07/25/1995

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  1. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Recently played Arma 3 Alpha, I find it a shame rocket is gonna work on the same old ArmA2 engine, then again ArmA3 is just ArmA2 with big changes: Enhanced mission editorSupport for DirectX 10 and DirectX 11[12]20 km view distanceRagdoll physicsPhysics enabled vehicle handling and environmental objects (PhysX 3[13])Underwater environments, vehicles and divingWeapon and uniform customizationVolumetric cloudsRender to TextureImproved lighting engineSupport for JavaImproved flight model from Take On HelicoptersSupport for six degrees of freedom just those things, it's not like I wanted underwater sharks/zombies, hmph.btw I am giving DayZ origins a try lol, 600km2 map and you can build houses!!
  2. TERA Online is free on 1feb! Im playing it on a trail right nao, pretty big.

    1. Quert


      What. Wasn't it free already?

  3. Your 45# in fun though that's what counts more
  4. Reap3r

    Happy 2013!

    Hurr I wish everyone a happy 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 etc HAHA NOW I HAVE TO NEVER BOTH WITH YOU PEOPLE AGAIN!
  5. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    My source is accurate(www.animefreak.tv) You should see after the opening Kokoro Connect 16, if it's 17, then you just skipped a episode I also have to say my source is the fastest(nananana) well maybe Crunchyroll beats it, but you pay for that. [otaku modus] I also have to say DEREBAN BEST GIRL! I mean she is perffffect in everything Though 25% of me wanted Sister X Yaegashi ending [/otaku modus] I think Kokoro EDs are amazing too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FqHx9PkFTGk ED3 is also very good. Started on FMP Second Raid, ah I forget about most things so it was like a new anime totally entertained 9/10. Soon vacation over eh... Edit1: Most underrated anime ever:
  6. I am sure Matt doesn't help Discord or the faction he is in by using his powers. Admins are impartial, if he indeed is helping Discord using admin powers, I am sure his admin title will get stripped away as he is ruining the gameplay of you and the other users of minecraft.
  7. 2013 is noisy.

    1. Toxik


      It's not 2013 here yet :P

  8. Dat Zetsuen no Tempest 8.5/10
  9. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Recently started rewatching Full Metal Panic. What a great series that is, definitely would recommend to anyone! Also the Bakuman 3 episode was awesome,
  10. First get back to school and learn proper English. Second, it was already stated a lot of times that hacking was forbidden and if you were caught you were gonna be Perma-Banned. Third, you don't need your mom to buy stuff. You can also ask friends. Oh wait, your too young! hahahahaa Fourth, I think the last line should be like this: Please unban me so I can hack again after a few months. Kthxbai
  11. It's also a bit the communities fault if they lock players out.
  12. That doesn't really matter; if land is abandoned it will soon be unclaimed by autokick if someone is inactive. That takes weeks. I just don't want terrain being claimed by very small groups of people. Factions should be about having large groups of people managing a vast area. And in the end, it's the job of the players to welcome others. You can make your faction open and set up some player-owned chunks inside your own faction to protect the most valuable stuff. If you want, I could manage a set of advertisement signs near the spawn for factions that are open to new players. That would involve you going online buddy. I am sorry but what? You guys clearly don't know your place and are making my view on minecrafters even more bad. He has multiple servers to manage. He administrates the administrators. If you guys really want to change the server it is better for you guys to change your attitude and become more mature.
  13. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Nah it will only give you better skins in DayZ, I am not sure about the actual content in DLC though. On another note: How many people are gonna buy the DayZ Standalone? This time I wanna do it right and Conquer/Control a whole server gna gna gna With that said: If 10+ people are into this I propose we make two squads: SQUAD A: SQ A, the squad who are located in a hilly area they have perfect outsight of everything. This SQ will mostly have: Snipers, Hunter, Spies, Splinter Cells, Lads They are stealth, assassination, support, long range, overwatch. They do not meddle direct. SQUAD B: Their base will be close to the roads and high militairy looting areas They consist of: Bandits, Raiders, Looters, Scavengers, Brutes, Plebs They are the direct type, they are the front soldiers of the battlefield, risking theirselves completely and being hugely skilled in avoiding death in the front lines thanks to their skills They will mostly initiate something and cause wars. Now I also want to set some VERY BASIC RULES: 1. Thou shan't have fire in a SQUADs base. 2. If thou really wanted a fire, put it near the farm/water/road and withdraw silently. 3. Everyone is allowed to control a air vehicle but destroy/crash it by your own mistakes and you are not allowed to control one until you bring two. 4. SQUADs shall be in different teamspeaks unless they are doing a mission together or the other SQUAD channel is empty. 5. SQUAD Leaders will communicate with each other through steam if any of the SQUAD members will do a event, that will prevent friendly fire. 6. if any squad member has a something to settle with the other, they can do so with a duel. Ofcourse theres a time and place for it. 7. If you are planning to do something, notify the squad leader or vice leader Those are all I guess. This is just a proposition, so don't get butthurt.
  14. Free Playstation Voucher codes: EJRP-2FND-DHLJ, QFEG-NHN3-BTD9, TPAD-EDNK-4KTP

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SassPD22


      Because you're posting free PSN codes... Which isn't good.

    3. Reap3r


      How is that not good? I am giving free codes for the people who really want them?

    4. Hundred2


      I didnt call you a faggot, I just put another free PSN code here.

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