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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Reap3r

  1. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Try Nyaa.eu best site if you want to torrent anime. Else BakaBT if you mostly want 1080p but that requires you also to upload it. Dat Btooom:
  2. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Omg that PSYCHO PASS episode...Magnificent. K was a bit me but it cleared some misunderstanding. Zetsuen Tempest is getting better to, though I lold at I don't think Gintama was a recap though it is 4:3 res....but maybe I am just at that age where I forget about things. Also there is a new Kenichi Ova out which also was entertaining not to mention I am also getting less and less motivation to watch Chuuni it is getting boring I guess.
  3. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Oh you've seen alot . My recommendations would be some olde animes, if you expect it to have animation quality of Guilty Crown throw em away: Hajime no Ippo The strongest disciple Kenichi(This anime, made me go watch the manga, after that I became a regular watcing manga/anime freak ) School Rumble(Nice comedic romance anime) Great Teacher Onizuka(This one I call a masterpiece(Or I just like delinquents )) More will come but I have to go to college now, bai bai
  4. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    At muv luv I want more yui, like in the beginning, oh yes the war
  5. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Yeah he probably ment Sugou Also my theory is that he received tons of pain, but I do not think he can die of that, wel maybe some people can be he is last boss so he can't Also Bakuman was epic hurr, that ending, I lold when he showed his face
  6. Is this the real life?

    1. Mayco


      no, this is patrick

  7. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    JoJo was pretty interesting! A new enemy appears! Medaka Box was good too so I started to watch/read the manga but lol, it got to bleach level at the manga Sword Art Online was.....in the beginning I was like HURRY THE FUCK UP and then they finally say lets go, BAM! I was like OH GOD YOUR OWN FAULT! You had several freakin minutes! then the damn fight, it was pretty NTR/RAPE at the begin lol, so I was like trolololo how can they view this at JPN television but soon he used his will power to get up lol serious if the pain in SAO was worse why did he fight back earlier, oh well you can do everything in anime. What came after felt a bit anti climatic, felt something that happens in every generic storyanime. He didn't really feel like a challenge after kirito got his damn GM powahs. Anyway all happened happily after except for the 300 SAO slaves being tortured, luckily in 4chan discussion they said they released them at the same time as Asuna. Oh well I do look forward to the reunion now and I would love to see the reaction to sugou face in RL after he got killed
  8. How about no? This bad idea will just give further advantages to people who play on other mr green servers. With the end portal, everyone can enter it, so only 1 guy in the faction needs to have it. With having enderpearls as buy option, you will give people who don't own the other games, a big disadvantage.
  9. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Lolwat loco? Her goal is to make the world a better place, without wars. Just peace. If you call her crazy for that, I'm gonna slap the batman outta you. I do have to say her plan is a bit flawed. If people cannot use vehicles, sats, planes, trains and other ways of transport, people would just make weapons out of the materials they already have, like trees, make spears outta them. After a while there wouldn't be any materials left though so it just might be a good plan in the long term. The message that episode had was also good: End of the episode: Humanity is at war because of technology, so we shall take it away. Rest of episode: Koko loves shota.
  10. Your never gonna beat clavus, just give up. Edit1: ahhh~ How I want a seperate site for english minecrafters now.
  11. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    holy shit I can already imagine the highspeed battles! Dis gunna be gud. From the PV I understand: At that time, I remember. Yes, this world is rotten/sick. From what I understand from the video is that theres a disease that strucks people and make them like that. Plus MC is using two grappling hooks/swords to go fast? Anyway Hunter X Hunter came out today, One Piece is also
  12. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    HHHHOLY SHIT. Part 2 of JoJo begins! I discovered it has the voice actor of gintama! I can't wait for the next episode already
  13. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Well you can't like everything equally Some will be less good as the ones you watch before, you just need to accept that and move on to find something better suiting your tastes. If you still can't accept it, think why it is still airing then. Plus I love the fights:
  14. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    [fanboyish rant]See for yourself for the story. I got into One Piece after continuing to watch it from episode 400. After that I got interested in what happened before so I went to watch from 0 to 399. That was my second try. First try I tried from 0 to ??? but I got bored somehow so I quitted midway. After my second try I regret nothing as it was a great trip and still is. If it ends my jimmies will probably be rustled since something that was for so long in my life has disappeared. Same with bleach, that kinda feeling.[/fanboyish rant]
  15. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    ........ ........ One Piece ....... And even more fine pieces of anime ......... ........................................... ........ [fanboyish rant] Well I really liked how he decided to be a pirate on such a young age and how you see him grow up. The story of his crewmembers and how he made them his crew is also good. Then the war and how he lost his brother or how he is on his way to the New World and then he is shown the reality of how hard it is, making the whole crew lost to be finally reunited after 2 years.[/fanboyish rant] You can keep loving steins;gate and death note while I will just love my One Piece. I would appreciate it if you would respect my choices though instead of making fun of it.
  16. I wasn't sure if they were testing in the beginning but if they weren't I would say it was a bit bad intro then. I do like how it gets better every minute. 00:00 4/10 01:00 7/10 02:00 7.5/10 03:00 8/10 04:00 8.1/10 05:00 Dat bass 8.5/10 06:00 8/10 07:00 Loved the drummer 8.5/10
  17. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Your rule is bad because: One Piece Rurouni Kenshin Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Pokemon Hajime no Ippo Gintama And even more fine pieces of anime who are 100+ episodes long. Really, you shouldn't judge on the episodes but on the damn story. Edit1: Not to mention Bakemonogatari keeps getting new sequels, spinoff's or prequels. So it might also hit the 100+ episode barrier. Edit2: Best HoTD video?
  18. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    This applies the same to the bleach haters, they cannot understand why you like it either. You are basically one and the same. Hating on mainstream is also becoming a rage nowadays. The world is changing into tsundere.
  19. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    When you watch your first anime you mostly want something similiar, but later, as clavus said, you warm up to other series, it might get out of the hand, you might like every series and actually become a otaku lol, buying anime merchandise, dem dolls, pillows or end up like the guy I linked on my status updates lol. On a related note: Do we have any female watchers here ?
  20. Reap3r

    Day Z

    Fixed it.
  21. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    Did you watch brotherhood or normal FMA? Well my first suggestions are: ^Anime that made me feel a bit empty when it ended^ Isn't near DN but are also good to watch for story: Also you might feel tricked but that's normal. Everyone has his own tastes that's why you watch what you prefer. Like clavus, he doesn't like moe.
  22. Mayco, if it only was that easy I updated my game concept as suggested by Minky, Minky also suggested a nice cool soundtrack for the first level, so it is a bit better. As for the "thing", it is currently on a bug. So sometimes it will appear if your luck actually, scrap that. You will be very unlucky if it is around, a tip: if music ends, it will attack. I also made the monolith a bit better and cleaned up some unnecessary things, so file size is less. I think I will make this one of the dungeons. Edit1: I also want to know from you guys, is it better to work in C# or Java, Unity forums are telling me, C is hard to understand but will get you further then Java, while Java will be easy but it will get harder if you want it more complexer Edit2: I also want to know if C# and javascript are compatible with each other, as most tutorials are in Javascript. bizarre Puzzler v.4.zip
  23. Got rid of some bugs and made the gameplay a bit better. Could also anyone tell me a good guide on making the mouse locked? preferable in C#
  24. Reap3r

    Discuss Anime

    around 20~ for me. no Angels Beats? grrr. I wouldn't recommend Eureka 7 though, the begin and ending are interesting but midway it was just PAINFUL to watch.
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