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Mr. Green Gaming


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About FishWithAHat

  • Birthday 08/28/1997

Contact Methods

  • Steam

Profile Information

  • Location
    one of 3, behind you, in your fridge or in your closet
  • Interests
    Gaming, swimming and food.

FishWithAHat's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I got my paper hat. All i need...
  2. This can eaither be a response that is stupid as hell or just dumb, but im going to try anyways... Free range chicken seem to be happier when in flocks are further positive when certain species are mixed together, this can have be important for the chicken farming indutries as it will provide a good life while living and we can eat the animal and think that it have had a even better life than the average chicken. sorry :c
  3. Very nice 7/10 &color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1">&color1=0x234900&color2=0x4e9e00&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="660" height="405">
  4. Yes, yes the site looks good but the functionality is bad (imo) 1 when you enter topic you start at page one and not where you've last read 2 Cant see topics recently posted in just my 2 cents so far, might be more comming I take it all back well done sry
  5. Sitting here at home drinking a mojito

  6. That's what happens when idiots gets ways of getting their voices above everyone else. I like it, if any big theory of the end of the world got anything to do with religion, just walk around and ask for money from the extremely religious people so you could have a good day before he world 'ends'
  7. I think it's standard highlander rules
  8. GG On a more serious note I haven't gotten into the tf2 mood but will happily be a stand in if needed
  9. I watch One Piece...
  10. If I get into the TF2 mood agian when I come home i might join in, but really depends on the mood... If I would get at spot, it wouldnt matter to me that much wich position I get.
  11. Going to London for the weekend... anything to recomend

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Quert


      SHAKESPEARE's globe? Destroy it. You'll need a C4.

    3. Dr. Pannenkoek

      Dr. Pannenkoek

      Despite me living up north, doing all the touristy stuff is really good.

    4. awesomeo_5000


      Go visit the puppies in Harrods (take pictures for justice and freedom)!

  12. So, I got me a facebook...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Griffon


      fistbook 2 gud 4 u

    3. xeim


      We all got them book in our faces

    4. Dr.Minky


      Only just got it..?

  13. I have the patience
  14. I've watched it... it's quite neat in my opinion :3 and do you really watch all this in it original language?
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