1. internet tough guy 604 up, 49 down Someone filled with anger who never had the chance to throw it back on others because he or she is physically inferior. A.K.A. The result of having been bullied at school as a young child, or simply the result of all IDIOTS out there who are so immature spiritually that they can't bare having the truth said to their faces. These people usually frequent chat rooms and online forums for the sole purpose of shit talking and gloating to complete strangers to fill the void in their life, something that dosen't impress someone in the REAL WORLD. They also like to troll areas in chat and games, so they can compete with other lifeless internet whores for the sole purpose of determining who is the biggest nerd of them all. These people talk about how much ass they kick and how they could take on the world single handedly, when in reality, quiver at such ideas of someone who dosen't like them finding them in their parents basement where they thought they were safe. Internet Tough Guys should be regarded as the lowest form of life on Earth. 99% of the time they are liars, who will make completely bogus claims of being 7 feet tall, 400 pounds of pure muscle, and bench 7000. Also probably bragging about how good he is in a game and how many items or skill he has. In truth internet tough guys are rather sad individuals with little or no dignity or charm. insulted!