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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Veledrome

  1. Are the servers any good now? New maps? Old memorable maps still exist?
  2. Are you kidding me man? I insulted you? You can see the screenshots, I never insulted you. Claimed ignorance? I didn't claim I knew nothing. I just wanted you to be clear with your statement and tell me like a man, which you didn't. The way I communicate with other people, does NOT involve you. I have been talking to everyone this way for 5 years I was in mr.green servers and I never had a problem until this bull***t. Yes kick me out of KoM if you want, I don't care really. But the way you acted was too sketchy and childish. You could calmly ask me to stop and tell me what I was doing but you had to swear and threaten because apparently that's what you are good at. Enjoy your petty leadership. Admins: You can lock this threat, I heard enough.
  3. So you already knew about my way of talking to Nibje before he told you "I feel that Crash is being disrespectful, you?" , so why did you answer with "What do you mean?" because it seems to me you already know what he means and without a screenshot mate, it seems like a bit staged answer.
  4. Hello folks. So like an hour ago I was minding my own business in mix server, talking with my friends and having some laughs and then out of nowhere I get the messages I put as the screenshots. "Accident" randomly threatened me, swore at me and he did not even give me a legit reason. He wanted me to "stop talking like that" as you can see in the screenshot. I didn't understand at first then it hit me as we kept talking. I was talking with my friend "Nibje" and I was making jokes to her. As we are "good friends" with her (or used to be, I guess) I said stuff that I knew she wouldn't actually be offended with. But then randomly "Accident" tells me these stuff and I am guessing it is about that because I wasn't really talking to anyone besides "Nibje". So here are my guesses: First, "Accident" did not even tell me what I was doing, which means he either knows he isn't right and he is just looking for any reason to kick me out or someone tells him what to say. Second, I am guessing this person who tells him to "Threaten Crash and kick him out of Kom" is probably "Cena". I was talking with "Nibje" and this doesn't involve anyone. If she is offended she can say it for herself. But I am guessing "Cena" didn't like the way I was talking to her because they are "special friends". What do I want? I don't want to get back at Kom. All I want is for "Accident" or "Cena" or if she knows anything about this "Nibje" to come clear about this issue. IF I AM WRONG (!) I apologize to "Cena" or "Nibje" for claiming something like this. BUT I still expect an answer from "Accident" ps: Don't get mad or start swearing over this topic if someone rages. I want a serious answer for this, thanks. @Accident @Cena @Nibje Sincerely, Crash, ex-KoM
  5. RIP in pepperonis mr. SDK. Good luck in the future flipper!
  6. While most of these are just rams, not blocks, I agree that some of them count as annoying blocking. Like when he takes hunter and starts hunting people, also with RC. And there is the part where he is on fire and directly blocking you. I for myself have seen him block hundreds of times years before but I never had a proof to report him.
  7. I agree, I wish instead of car game, they put my idea in vision :/
  8. Would be nice to see some new things in server. I agree.
  9. Good luck!
  10. Thanks Aleks, your apology might lead to peace around here
  11. I mean yes admins might abuse but just report it and move on, no need to flame and argue...
  12. Guys, I want to say something about the topic and arguing. Both of the "sides" are my friends. I love you all and I don't like seeing you fighting over this. I see Mad and Cena on server 24/7 dealing with people's bullshit. They are doing something good as they are the only active admins. I also wanna point out that sometimes Cena and Mad might abuse their power a little, but I think that is understandable. Everybody makes mistakes and we shouldn't fight over it like children.
  13. Who muted me for 25 days? For what reason?
  14. I vote for Neox.
  15. Thanks I guess
  16. Thanks boykita
  17. I thinks it's nice and clean overall, but I think it's too much white. Just my opinion
  18. Lmao, thanks Thanks sandro
  19. Thanks Maher
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