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Mr. Green Gaming

King Miko

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Everything posted by King Miko

  1. Yeah but i don't know exactly how the mapsystem works but to me we play like 300-400 maps out of 1400 over and over, the very old ones don't get played anymore unless someone buys them. @Bandit it's probably the worst of the list and all mrgreen maps Why were you looking for it ?
  2. Ok thanks for the response, yeah I know that many so called 'shit maps' are just maps the noobs can't handle and dislike them. But the list i've made most of them are very long and annoying and not even fun to play. Maybe you will find at least some of them deletable, i hope so
  3. Hello all. For the past few weeks i've been writing down every map with horrible rating. These maps are the reason people usually complain rage block ram cry insult and quit. Lets go 1 Map 'Death metal drag' ~50/150 with a normal amount of people on it takes around 8 minutes for one to finish this map 2 Map 'A Night At The RoxBLURy' 35/97 3 Map 'Aiwa7On the roof' 4 Map 'Extreme' 10/60 5 Map 'BUffalo Run '39/59 6 Map 'Pch Danger' 43/83 7 Map 'Upper Overdose' v2 52/68 8 Map '8-track comet' 9 Map '8-track hotring' 10 Map 'No mercy rally v2' 54/187 11 Map 'Pachanga Oval' - ~20/40 12 Map 'High Up' - ~30/70 13 Map 'MGX - Hard Truck Apocalypse' 36 / 117 14 Map 'Travis' - 31/72 15 Map 'Race Turbolar' 57/107 16 Map 'Monster Mayhem' ~30/70 17 Map 'La carrera del 17' 44/149 18 Map 'Hot coffee' 21/57 19 Map 'MGX The Uber Jump' 61/90 20 Map 'Falling Down' 66/139 21 Map 'Map '[Race]n30x - Metalic World' started'~~ 50/100 22 Map 'ToonTown' 15/40 23 Map 'Planica' 61/71 24 Map 'SantRace' 1/13 (2 times played) 25 Map '8-Ball & sY- 8 Short Balls' started. 38/68 26 Map 'orgazmterritory-oldwarehouse' 38/70 27 Map 'Tainted X' started' 28/67 28 Map 'Way of Destruction' 14/36 29 Map 'Paroah' 28/67 30 Map 'Not-so-long-way-' 10/50 31 Map 'Rombess Tray' 51/75 32 Map 'Thundarexpress' 43/52 33 Map 'The Axl Speedway' 53/71 34 Map' Days of thunder nascar' 29/66 35 Map '[fsa]highwaytonowhere' 83/86 36 Map 'Wipe out 2 infernus' 30/167 37 Map 'Christmas race' ~30/120 38 Map 'Village Drift' 7/21 39 Map 'Around the Ship' 29/66 40 Map 'Quien lo sabe - parte 4' started. 54/97 41 Map 'Formule 1 v2' started. 30/67 42 Map 'Rocket Danger' 50/73 43 Map 'thefuckisthis' 17/33 44 Map 'MGX - Rooftop Falls' 30/65 45 Map 'Eurotunnel_by_rombess_v2' 29/48 46 Map 'Menace 2 Society (slowednthrowed)' 38/74 47 Map 'Map 'h2so4-imaplayer' 21/64 48 Map 'J-U-M-P-E-R' 41/58 49 Map 'Not-So-Long-Way' 11/54 50 Map 'Little Need To Accelerate' 55/86 It's only 50 maps out of 1400 but they get played very often. My request is that you consider deleting them so the majority of the maps has good rating and people enjoy playing them. Greetings!
  4. When not many players on, the 'waiting for other players' lasts for a few seconds, but when the ghost player is on, it makes everyone wait at least 10 seconds to start racing. So annoying. And i didn't point the finger at you we don't meet in-game so often so i don't know about you but others just don't care.
  5. And the other reason of waiting sooo long for the race to get started are ghost players, which admins NEVER kick. Don't know where they come from but they are always 'not ready' when you press tab and they had already scored almost all checkpoints before the race started.
  6. maybe u should take a look @ the ground , than you can see that he didn't just 'crashed' he was there and blocked us and we couldn't go through him (again take a look @ the ground ) next time you're trying to insult someone get your facts straight. and if you want to see him insult other people just check my other thread. now shut up you're just making troubles. I did take a look and all i see are tire marks ( not sure what you mean maybe there is something that i don't see ) You said he kept insulting, and there is no proof of him insulting on this particular thread except for your useless words. In the pic you posted could have happened anything, so once again get a video or f*ck off.
  7. Insulting ? Where's the insulting ? Blocking ? The guy probably crashed and was going back on the track, you're the idiot who's probably got a thing for him and trying to get him banned. Get a actuall video of him blocking or f*ck off.
  8. What's so bad in calling him nazi when he actually is nazi ?
  9. Exactly if there was an admin on the mix server he could see for himself how the kiddies like to constantly screw other peoples races I think the screenshot system is flawed, someone just comes in here presents proof of being blocked. There should be visual confirmation by an admin that someone is doing it on purpose or a reason and punish the right person. As much as i find you stupid and retarded, i must agree with you on this. Screenshot of 'blocking' proves shit. You could simply take a picture of anyone crashing at some easy to block spot and then post it as evidence - boom the guy gets banned. Make films, like i do
  10. Respect ( or maybe no respect ) to anyone who managed to make it through the whole gibberish wall of text.
  11. With all due respect, you don't know d*ck. You never play this game so how could you, but TUCO talks about Hitler a lot in the way below
  12. No. The players that drive through him are from the other dimension he couldn't see them but i could when i was spectating.
  13. EDIT : please move it to Bans and Unbans section, just noticed i made the topic here. This guy TUCO is just a troll, he comes in just to insult and block everyone. Nazi racist and asshole. He tends to change nicknames often lately he's also known as pussy.so.wet, or LONE-STAR-RIDA, his main name is TUCO-LONE-STAR-RIDA. Videos: ^You might wanna mute this video due to the noisy commercial on the radio. ^He's going off the track to fuck other people's race. \/ His usual behaviour when he's online ( here he's enjoying fucking up my race ).
  14. I agree but the thing I hate the most is that admins don't kick players that have 10 fps or less.. They can barely move their car it's as if they were standing still or they come out out of the blue right in front of you.. That sucks.
  15. It acutally feels like they are making appointments to get on mrgreen just to disguss some particular subject
  16. Sup it's Sandy Many mexicans would be surprised by my gender xD
  17. Don't know what streak you're referring to but mrgreen used to have a system that would give you extra coins for setting top time of 1-3. What you mean is 2 wins in a row and you get extra coins? Like 1st win 10 coins and 2nd 12 coins ? That would be cool but will never happen.
  18. What a sociopath I can't believe it
  19. Oh well
  20. L0L I seriously i didn't expect you would still deny after seeing that video and how convicing are you... yes i'm buying that
  21. Now rings a bell ? . After you ruined my race by going off the track and ambushing me you still weren't smart enough to figure out that I would be recording your further deeds. dumbass And it's funny how you're so gentle and polite here on the forums whereas in game you're nazi racist and asshole at the same time. Live strong
  22. Worse handling the main reason and the top times are now worthless all the drags or shorter maps can be finished way faster that sucks 45 is perfect
  23. Ok ban him for laughing
  24. I did click on it and it's nothing but a bunch of cars huddled together If there's anyone blocking that would be Knijgga from my point of view Damn get decent proof before accusing someone
  25. Nice proof What does it show exactly?
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