King Miko
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Everything posted by King Miko
Not really fucked club, more ''we brought it ourself'' club. I maintain the 'fucked' club position
Me (SandySweet)have been banned 3 times lol But the last ban wasn't based on evidence but on my past SDK had been waiting for an opportunity to ban me ever since the previous banishments and as soon as the screenshots of me crashing or being on fire (lol) were posted, bamm banned straight away xD And now no matter if NoobStar will continue blocking or decide not to, it takes one forum report to get him banned again Welcome to the 'fucked' club xD
either one ? have you even read the chat ? why would i get banned this isn't an argument this is a pure fact that this asshole does nothing but insult everyone around every time he gets on the server congratz udkaAnus u got away with this one remain as racist and nazi and loser as you are
I wonder why am I evne arguing with you you're so full of shit Let the admins handle it
RIGHT and you weren't racist calling me a "mad indian"? amd a bunch of other stuff There isnt one day when I go play on the server that some one says something racist against me so fuck off with your racism double standard Look at the chat i SS'd You used various kinds of insults towards my nationality from racist to nazism Noone gives a damn about your nationality you're the one insulting
Ramming ? Making jokes ? lol you must be lost in one of your another delusional daydreams I joined the server while the map was already running and you couldn't stand that i passed you at the finish line kiss
he's an encumbrance to this server all he does is insult everyone around he's nazi and calls me cheater all the time do whatever you think you should do about him
Oh lol this is a mix server, apologies to the author
#1 Saying this an old recording i based on the 1-5 places greencoin prizes appearing on the general chat, it's not like that anymore #2 I thought it was Pachanga's map 'pick your vehicle' or something like that it looks exactly the same it has a tank and a hunter spawn above the ground #3 I don't want to fight either I'm just saying if the tank was put in the map then it's certainly not for racing
Christ you really are getting paranoid aren't you First of all this is an old ass recording from what I see And second of all that map has two spawns with a hunter and a tank and he just decided to pick a tank and you want to get him banned Then remove all the dumpers tanks and hunters from all the maps that have them cause I was reported for smashing others with a dumper on a map where actually the dumper was put in to disturb the cars I'm sorry i know i should not be replying to this topic but i had to express my feelings about his stupidness
So i can't even count on a response ?
Why didn't you take screenshots then? You are as full of shit as RaFaeeL, want me to get banned out of jealousy. You should be banned from this server for being nazi, don't make me quote you. And who are you to talk anyway you are a former hacker.
1. Your ingame name: SandySweet 2. Date of your ban : 08 Feb 2013 3. What game/server are you banned from : MTA MrGreen race server 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) : SDK 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) : Blocking 6. Reason why we should unban you : I was banned for blocking which wasn't deliberate, I don't do that anymore if you unban me from now on when i fail i'm not even gonna leave my car on the road and gonna press B so nobody can take a picture of me Please be more understanding i'm a serious racer not a troll like many people on the server
So SDK do I remain banned permanently ? As far as I'm concerned that was the only worthy playing race server so could you please take into consideration the time I spent on this server and reports which some of them may be fake and try to be more understanding ?
Look I have learnt my lesson from the last bans why would I ruin it? I have improved at racing just because I do not troll anymore There are some people who seriously don't like me and probably keep reporting me but I swear I don't block anymore come on I;m often online and all i do is get top times can't you see that i don't do it anymore ? I'm not that stupid to keep doing shit that I used to get banned for...
I seriously try not to take get into car fights or hunt a person who screwed my race up after i got banned for that But however you want to look at it all I can say is that maybe I wasn't saint but seriously I wasn't trolling on the road aka blocking and driving backward like many racers do and i'm sorry for every harm ive done to any aggrieved fellow racer
When a group of brazilians spam on the chat i type preto or macaco just for laugh cause its the only 2 words i know so is it that big of a deal?
Pics?? Take a pic of anyone on fire or next to someone else and make it look like they're blocking you seriously reckon those pic prove anything? Only the last one with a Dumper I did block there but I wasn't the only one who took the dumper, that's what the dumper is for isn't it? And my top times do matter cause every time i get one someone always says 'Sandy i report you' Seriously please unban me or make it temporary and spy me all the time if i ever block delibertaly just ban me and I won't say a word Cause the fact that SDK banned me just like that after glancing at some random pic of my car makes it slightly unjustified :s
I didn't know you were like that, that's more than enough evidence, and I always see many players reporting you for block. You must be banned, you should learn a lesson. What am I like? what did I ever do to you? Looks like you guys totally want to get rid of me How can I possibly block when out of 8k races i have 4k won I have around 300 top times on this server why the hell would I block like noobs do on this server ask any admin of this server who is actually active in game if thye saw me block delibertaly People keep calling me a cheater and hate me cause I win almost every time and just because they know I once was banned they take adventage of it to get me banned again Looks like they did successfully
Can you give me a sensible reason of banning me instead of that gibberish that Rafael posted? Seriously
Lol SDK for real? one person SS me with shit and no proof and you ban me just because I was banned in the past? That's strong...
And what do those SS show? You're seriouly stupid SSing me while driving or reversing congratz maybe get a recording with real proof You hate me cause i always win races and call you macaco ( that does not mean black but monkey) grow up SandySweet
So now as I followed the format could anyone reply please ?
Ye I wasn't very clear cause SDK knows everything I thought he's the only one who can unban me. Besides I already made an unban thread he said he wouldn't unban me soon. Anyway, 1. Your ingame name / MTA Serial : =FoX=SandySweet / IDK. 2. Date of your ban : 18-20 July 2012 I don't remember exactly. 3. What game/server are you banned from : Mr Green race server. 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) .:SDK:. . 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) : He said he saw a movie of me blocking other players. 6. Reason why we should unban you : Cause I'm not gonna block anyone anymore.