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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. Hes my brother and apparently this has happened to a lot of people i have talked to, He had too many diamonds in his inventory at once? Please unbar him!



    Thanks Habbtips

    You're only supposed to make unban topics for yourself. So if this is your brother and not your alt, he needs to make the unban topic.

    By the way, I have never heard of anyone getting banned for too many Diamonds in inventory.

    If it says banned for xray when he tries to join then it means that the plugin banned him. If it happened this map, it is a perma ban.



    Members are only allowed to reply to topics when they are involved.



    What is the message when he joins the server?

    If banned by admin, give more information on when he got banned.

    sowwie, just trying to help :S



    Jesus, I just asked you to not reply since it'll bump this topic and it's annoying as crap :V

    Appoligies accepted, just get out

  2. Ugh letters are to big :c



    I'm also proud to say that I'm not that active on the IRC.                                                                                                                                                 


    Ywa will murder you

  3. Can we get a faction cap on the amount of members a faction is allowed? It has always been a problem that was never really fixed.


    People just use hacked accounts or alts/friends to have unrealistic power levels. There are several factions with over 150 spare power, which you can never get into because their players are never online at the same time. 


    Cap 100 would even be better, I remember 1.6 where Scourge had 300 max power and we claimed half the dessert for no reason.

    It's a pain in the but to see factions with 200 max power, half of the members are most likely alts.

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