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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Mathijs1996

  1. As far as I know, whimplash is master of world edit but at the moment even world edit is having it troubles.

    Why it happened ? No idea, the server just decided that a part of your base was missing and regenerated the entire chunck.

    It's very unlickly that something likes this happens again, and I've never seen something like this before in 2.5 years mc.

    If I were you I would repair as much as possible in the time being since world edit isn't going to help us, neither can we roll the server a few days back.

  2. You've missed what I said, It's robbis lag from coming out the menu, there are two players who experiance the exact same speed change, so either both are fly-hacking or It's lag. trhe fact Krokodile slows down the same time the third guy does It suggets the lag.


    Yes but still, if you compare the time it took to krokodile not bothering him shooting up the water with robbi's you'll see it's a huge difference. Krokodile also manages to shoot over the entire roof in a second while the other guy needs a few seconds. If needed and you feel sure Balmung, I will get more proof and unban him for the time being.

  3. I don't mean to get involved nor do I mean to criticize your descision here mathijs, but If you are banning Krokodile on this video alone then krokodile has been falsely banned. This is simply lag from Robbi_PVP's side, Robbi experienced lag (Probably due to using Nodus) when he exited his inventory screen, this is backed up by the name of a third player who was outside their base, if you look closely this person also moves at the same speed as Krokodile during the same time.


    I don't see any lag during the first few seconds of the video, while he's in his inventory you can see him shoot up the water, while it takes Robbi_pvp more than 2 secs to get up the same water, robbi stood still for like 1 second and that was enough for krokodil to get to the otherside of the roof. As far as I know this is flyhack, if there're any other mc admins that are sure that this isn't flyhack, I will reconsider, but for now he stays banned.

  4. Due the new update you can see people sprint while they're standing still while before this was only possible if you had sprint.

    I've caught my alt sprinting while he was afk on a different server knowing my jar was completely clean I knew something fishy was going on. After catching loads of 'sprinthackers' and some research it is clear to me that this is indeed not hacking (it could be) but you can't be sure since not hacking people can have sprint particles aswell due w/e silly reason

  5. These forum posts don't really do anything anyways. They never change stuff.


    True dat.


    Why are you guys complaining so much then ? If you haven't noticed yet, the best way to get something done is to ask mods directly or post something wait for a reply from  Clavus and don't call the server a rotting if you don't get what you want.

  6. Wait wait wait ...

    First you kind of insult Clavus who is, pointed out by Reaper, extremely bussy with both his studies (I don't know if you guys know how this work at University but he prolly has Class from 8am till 6-8 pm depends on the day, finishes work around 9-10pm and then wants some entertainement, guess what, he's not gonna pop his laptop open and play mc, I bet he has far more interesting stuff to do like hanging out with friends), administrating loads of different servers and administrating the administrators. Then you claim the server is rotting and that posting stuff on the forums doesn't help ? It does, but how sillier the idea the more lickely you'll get one reply which clearly states imo, no, but he suggested an other option which is pretty cool for factions like hulpje's which is one of the best factions by just being able to control new players. The problem is from the moment Clavus posts his reply and you're not satisfied with it you start to rage ... If you would've said you would like those signs he would've hopped on the next free day with out a doubt. And after all, like you actually care they say 'Welcome to MrGreen' every damn time someone joins, that's just plain annoying and points out the server is being administrated by some 12 year olds

  7. Gameserver: play.minecraft.nl

    Age: 17

    Country of origin: America

    Link to Steam Community profile *: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198079879093

    Minecraft name **: MrsMonkeyMan

    Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: For starters, I do spend a lavish amount of time in game, and I know inherently all of the other minecrafters. As a player, I have some inside knowledge. This includes knowing which players are ones to watch out for, and I would be able to monitor their operations closely. I'm pretty operative on the forums and I've been around for over a year now. If you play on the server you probably know that we need admins to interact in everyday affairs. So, I'm here to solve this dilemma. I like to take care of business, and I sense like I'm ideal for the task at hand. 

    Also, I think reviewing bans is pretty fun (idk why) so all of the forum stuff wouldn't get boring. And if a player in gamer were to request for me to teleport to look at something fishy I would have no problem whatsoever. The player is most important. 

    I'm currently in the faction Equalists and have been considerably trustworthy.


    Thanks ... I won't be mad if I don't get it, but if not at least promote one to the position of admin who will actively participate on play.minecraft.nl, as this is what all of the players (including me) wish to have happen.




    As far as I can remember your faction joined about 6 months ago max, haven't seen you play before you were in Equalists, you should really check out IRC and be a little bit more active on the forums seeing this brings great experience and knowledge (trust me, these bastards are actually smart, sometimes :D). I wish you the greatest of luck and hope to see you active on both forums as IRC a bit more often :)

  8. I really don't know how you're planning to admin a server you aren't really active on, but good-luck. It really needs some attention.

    I've been active on the server for nearly 2 years, I have to admit my activity the last few weeks has gone down due exams but I ensure you I'm online every day to check the state of the server or to check other players factions. I noticed I didn't always join on my main which appears to be a problem due your stated reason that's why I'll try not to join on my alt that much. Thanks man, much appriciated :)

  9. why wasn't i invited

    Because you went ofline 5 minutes before we started D:

    I so sorry <333

    You guys still looking for members?

    If so i could either be a Sniper or Demoman but i'd rather play sniper.

    We already have 2 demo's and we don't need a main sniper class. The team is full for now, maybe some changes in the near future, but for now we're not looking for new members.

  10. The l4g competitive squad is now called "Verdi", which means green in lots of romantic languages :)

    The thought makes me horny

    After our teamspeak party yesterday you could easily go rape Minky, he was so horny, he stole a unicorn's horn.

  11. Is Avatar anime ?

    I don't know shit about anime, but I enjoy watching Avatar a bit.

    'Anime' is just the Japanese word for cartoons. Since Avatar is made in the west, it's technically not anime, although the art / animation style is very similar.

    Ahh, learn something every day :)

  12. Hacking in Minecraft is too commonplace (and 'accepted'). If we intensify measures, the likelihood we make a false positive increases and that's what I want to avoid at all costs. The best we can do is fight the most excessive hacks, but Minecraft's structure relies on resources and other mechanics that just don't make the game suitable for competitive play at all.

    I much rather would change the server in one giant PvE game (but that either takes a lot of server resources or is unchallenging for a lot of peepz), or something where people can compete on a more equal and less cheatable level (economy?).

    I think it would be fun if everyone just focussed on building a cities, and we can limit PvP to specified sections of wilderness or arenas.

    You've suggested this before but people don't go multiplayer for pve, nor does our current player base want to build, the set up we are running is definatly good because it's so vanilla (no economy/mcmmo) if we will change to just building there will be a fuzz in the beginning but you'll see that there aren't that much players that just want to build in multiplayer + that would mean almost no donations at all (not for obby/tnt/cloak). The setup we have is great and that's what the players want, but banning hackers is the only problem and I'm sure we don't need to change the server to pve of creative building for that.

    (Most people indeed sometimes want to pve just like me and I notice we set up our own server for that, which will be dead after a few days of pve because everyone got bored)

    If recording gets someone banned, please tell me why nielsbmx is not banned, I thought I had unshakeable evidence for that. After that incident, I haven't even bothered posting my hacker videos just because no one gets banned for hacking anymore.

    It is frustrating indeed, neither do I can explain you why, but these decissions are all for the rest of the players' lives. Account permantly banned. They try to be as carefull as they can to not ban anyone that hasn't done anything wrong, and by doing this sometimes real hackers don't get banned, but as the proof stacks up it'll be more likely for him to get banned.

    What are you trying to say? That some players aren't banned for hacking because it's better for the rest of the players? I can see where you went with this, but hacking is hacking, and should be ban-able.

    I meant that if admins would ban players more easily for hacking there's more chance someone gets falsly banned ans that's the worst thing that could happen to a playersexperience.

  13. its funny how xpr0 continues to quote his own comments... sad. Well anyways, VIP would have to last around atleast 3months for me to buy it.

    btw, any chance you can run the mc server on the iris machine? dont really know what you called it. ( the Linux i believe ) like you did back when the server had 100 slots?

    more slots do attract more players.

    The server was running on a linux server but that one was to expensive and had a lot of problems, so they moved it to another windows server where all the other 'servers' already ran, which has better hardware. But why would Clavus ever invest extra money into the server if it is running pretty okay atm and he's not getting mass donations of it ?

  14. If recording gets someone banned, please tell me why nielsbmx is not banned, I thought I had unshakeable evidence for that. After that incident, I haven't even bothered posting my hacker videos just because no one gets banned for hacking anymore.

    It is frustrating indeed, neither do I can explain you why, but these decissions are all for the rest of the players' lives. Account permantly banned. They try to be as carefull as they can to not ban anyone that hasn't done anything wrong, and by doing this sometimes real hackers don't get banned, but as the proof stacks up it'll be more likely for him to get banned.

  15. I agree that there are way to many hackers getting away with it, especially the xrayers who know their limits (not mining more than 15 diamonds a day etc.) But calling the admins lazy asses isn't helping either. I think we currently have nocheat on the server but that doesn't detect xray or forcefield (not sure about forcefield), and if it would who would ever want to read pages and pages of logs to find one hacker ? As for now, do as I've been doing for a long time, record everything and then report. You will loose some shit but nothing is more satisfieing than getting a hacker banned.

  16. Fail, i'm not. As you can read i just used it for get out from portals.. And it's called Minecraft QuickTyper that now i don't use anymore.. I used that shit 2-3 maps ago.

    Then it's still bannable if that is something you're not allowed to use, doesn't matter the occasion ..

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