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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Juggernaut

  1. Everybody bitching bout Green Coins. Damn people, be glad that Mr. Green is still here! Oh, and Hi all! Been a while.
  2. Those are great.
  3. Hi! How bout low fps send to different dimension, and the same for high pingers?
  4. I call fake... This cant be bin.. There are girls at the table.. Ahahaha!
  5. Maybe......this ?
  6. Yes, that is a problem. I thought he was just ramming while racing in the right direction. Good call warp.
  7. Don't see a problem with ramming. Continuous blocking would deserve a ban though.
  8. Juggernaut


    This is a nice free to play FPS from Crytek. It's in closed beta at the moment, but I got in pretty quick. http://www.warface.com
  9. Looking good. Nice job.
  10. Yes that guy is me. No...wait, I am that guy. You get the picture. ツ

  11. True. It is very good right now.
  12. Thanks. Just thought it was US because I saw someone with it and in Admin Panel it said US.
  13. A1 is USA I think? Correct me if I'm wrong.
  14. http://www.google.hu/imgres?q=goblin&um=1&hl=hu&sa=N&biw=1638&bih=934&tbm=isch&tbnid=EiBJQyFW-wSAMM:&imgrefurl=http://yubeck-1doodleaday.blogspot.com/2010/11/goblin-color.html&docid=FJxJGoT-WEOAOM&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_QQbAC4gfeNo/TNWU-sL6faI/AAAAAAAAAeU/a9P1U6-pMYM/s1600/11-5-goblin_color1.jpg&w=978&h=1600&ei=fosFT4DnHMyP4gTZ3L2NCA&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=225&sig=106018387987606813930&page=4&tbnh=177&tbnw=103&start=104&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:104&tx=67&ty=40 Ah yes, dat dar be a Goblin.
  15. Oh you likey me beard??? :P

  16. Get some powerfull magnets and put them on your hard drive it should fix things!! I tried the magnets and lost all my pR0n! Now what?
  17. What is a Globin? Is it suppose to be Goblins?
  18. I remember seeing a version of this in SAMP. Can't recall seeing it in MTA at least not right now, (brain is fried) but it should be doable to an extent.
  19. Only happens to me when my IP address changes it seems.
  20. What's wrong with people complaining Bin? Maybe people just want to discuss their frustrations with one another.
  21. Same thing happened to me today. The boat was leaning sideways in the water and wouldn't turn to the left. I also experienced this on a motorcycle.
  22. You're kidding, right? Duke Nukem is awful? Well, you control the shit I guess. Do what you want.
  23. YES! OMG! Good job.
  24. Here is some good ones. Duke Sounds.rar
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