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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Juggernaut

  1. I don't know why, but I actually laughed out loud about that one. OK. Do this...go to paint and draw a sign that says NOOBS! GTFO!
  2. Arctos
  3. I know they are aware, they've been aware for awhile. It seems they are making progress, just can't let it get out of hand in the process.
  4. Juggernaut

    Admin app

    Scream nice app. Good luck with it, and also with your study's, and tests.
  5. LOL! Today is the worst I have ever seen it. The chat kept saying Banned this person and that person, yet it wasn't banning anyone. Cheaters were running rampant. Every time I spawned on some maps I kept blowing up over and over, I assume that it was a cheater doing that. I was so frustrated I thought about leaving and not coming back, hell there was an admin there and he was just worried about winning the races rather than dealing with the cheats it seemed. It was the worst experience I have had on the server. Hopefully you guys can get a grip on it, or I think you will be losing some dedicated players. I wish you luck. Also to Ywa, you can't always rely on anti cheats and the like to keep the server orderly. You need people in place to handle things.
  6. Juggernaut

    1 to a 1000

  7. Are all the Admins for the MTA server in the same time zone?
  8. Hey SoyTONTO, apparently they added another admin, the name he goes by in server is Zakapiorek. I'm not sure what his name is on this forum.
  9. Race not ending when someone completes map, and no re-spawn when there should be a re-spawn. I know a lot of you who play know about these bugs. Is there a fix for this? Are you guys looking into it? Can it be fixed? Just wondering. Thanks guys.
  10. I usually play between the hours of 8pm to 5pm CST. Sometimes for 2 hours or more. Depending on where you are you may be sleeping or whatever. @ Silver Dot I did thank you. Look up there. I said "Thank you guys for the "Good Luck".
  11. lol! That looks like me a little I guess. I think I could take him though.
  12. It is San Andreas.
  13. Thank you Chikennugget1, Hundred2 and Dusty. I have been reading over these forums for the past couple of days and everyone here seems like a great bunch of people, a little younger than I am, but that's OK I can relate to most everyone.
  14. Hello stalker-dude that wasn't an application, it was more of a hello. Thank you guys for the "Good luck."
  15. 1. Real name and age? Stephen 29 2. Where do you live? United States 3. Previous experience with communities and boards? Lots. I currently admin this website www.group-of-friends.com 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) Currently unemployed. 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Devry University - Game and Simulation Programming 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? Big, quiet, sexy. 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? Can't think of anything at the moment. Juggernaut
  16. Gameserver: Mr. Green MTA #1 |RACE| LEFT4GREEN.COM Age: 29 Country of origin: United States Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hey guys my name is Stephen I go by Juggernaut in game. I am 29 years old and married with 3 children. I am currently attending Devry University and working on my Bachelors Degree in Computer Information Systems. I enjoy gaming, mostly FPS or racing. Right now I pretty much just play MTA Race as I find it challenging and fun. The only other multiplayer game I p[lay right now is Medal of Honor Allied Assault. When MTA first released race I ran a game server for a little while. I moved away from MTA to SA-MP and made a couple scripts for it that me and my friends enjoyed. I quit playing SA pretty much when GTAIV came to the PC. I came back to MTA when I saw that they had released v1.0 and here I am. I am not in any kind of clan. I really enjoy the server and it seems that another admin or 2 may be needed to keep the cheaters and disrespectful people at bay. I will be honest and fair if chosen to admin your server. Thank you for giving me the chance.
  17. My ping stays at 140 pretty constantly.
  18. Hey guys just thought I'd sign up here introduce my self, and register some complaints, and suggestions. I am Juggernaut, I am 29, I live in the United States, and I enjoy your MTA Race Server. In fact it's pretty much all I play at the moment. The only problem I see is that from the hours of about 9pm to 5am CST the server is over run with cheaters. I heard some of you talking about an anti-cheat and I hope it's coming along well. If you need an extra admin for this server I would be happy to help. On a race server cheaters ruin the fun very quickly for everyone. I play a lot so if you need me I can get rid of some of these cheaters. Race on!
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