Hi there, my name is Noah. Better known as noahchris. My faction (Blackbird) has been really unactive for the past moth, the main reason of this is because of the new games our " Clan " plays like the famous zombie survival game Dayz and the Guild Wars 2 beta events and ofcourse the steam summer sales. But the main reason i am making this topic is because i want to join the janitors i think they are an active group of player on play.minecraft.nl and that is what i am looking for. If you accept me in your faction, IF, i will do whatever told me to do. Sincerly noahchris Here are some cute kitten pictures: http://www.google.nl/search?q=cute+cat&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=nl&client=safari#biv=i|1;d|Z7ZaKqy9ldIF8M: (sorry for the link i am writing this on an iPad, not a huge apple fan, windows is more my style) PS. Dont make this into an Mac hating topic