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Mr. Green Gaming


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About noahchris

  • Birthday 02/07/1997

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  • Location
    Amsterdam, thats right
  • Interests
    You know, stuff

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  1. Yeah well there aren't any good edeting programs on mac so.... I use sony vegas but since i can't access my PC right now i'll have to use mac
  2. http://youtu.be/mSy3uzxy1a8
  3. Wtf is this?! Mathijs you suck at being an admin, this is abuse! Why did you spawn the creepers? You cant just do that! I mean, i hope this is an april fools but still this is abuse
  4. Choose YES or NO
  5. There are other enchants such as Efficiency, Fortune, and Looting which are quite helpful that do not even help in PVP. Also, PVP enchants make it a bit fun, as long as they aren't too overpowered. oke, then remove PVP enchants
  6. oh, one more thing. Someone stole the name BlackBird and since it is claimed....... you know Well, the current plugin still sucks because people still have diamonds on the first day
  7. Hey, im noahchris. I assume the map will reset in 1.5, and BlackBird wants to return. When we played on your server the biggest problem was: DIAMONDS There are always those stupid x-ray kids that will use x-ray so, would you care to use this plugin next time? LINK: http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/orebfuscator/
  8. @xDerpina, or you just dont hack and play nice ( Talking to xDerpina, a proud nodus user. )
  9. Why don't you just remove enchanting?
  10. i miss old style pvp
  11. Hey just asking if i join the Janitors what will be my main role in the faction, i mean does the faction stuff like PvP? Or is it peaceful. If there is some kind of PvP can i play an role in that? If not i am OK with digging and farming too.
  12. Hi Noah! Sorry I didnt reply, I didnt see your thread (it fell out of the feeds) Just come onto MineCraft and we'll invite you and see if you like it! Also GUILDWARS2 ERMAHGERRRDDDD I will come online MABY this week (very sorry for that) because i am in France at the moment i hope this is not a problem, so i will be an active member once i returned from France PS off topic GUILDWARS FTW
  13. Hi there, my name is Noah. Better known as noahchris. My faction (Blackbird) has been really unactive for the past moth, the main reason of this is because of the new games our " Clan " plays like the famous zombie survival game Dayz and the Guild Wars 2 beta events and ofcourse the steam summer sales. But the main reason i am making this topic is because i want to join the janitors i think they are an active group of player on play.minecraft.nl and that is what i am looking for. If you accept me in your faction, IF, i will do whatever told me to do. Sincerly noahchris Here are some cute kitten pictures: http://www.google.nl/search?q=cute+cat&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=nl&client=safari#biv=i|1;d|Z7ZaKqy9ldIF8M: (sorry for the link i am writing this on an iPad, not a huge apple fan, windows is more my style) PS. Dont make this into an Mac hating topic
  14. noahchris


    Hahahahahaha that what you get for xraying all your diamonds, filthy hacker
  15. WTF is this shit?! #2 is better then #1 i mean #1 is just a stupid arena and #2 is an awesome PvP arena
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