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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by viktorkucera12

  1. Where are those numbers for than? I not yet hole get how they plugin works. I don't get. How do you mean: not going over the threshold. Or bulk it out by digging out cobble and then going back to x-raying.
  2. Can a Admin please look at this topic and answer, thanks. Please unban.
  3. exactly
  4. Can a Admin or someone else finally say if i will be unbanned or not?
  5. no but i just said it besides
  6. but when i tried for sure from how far you can hit someone i did it with blocks. And with blocks you can reach 5 blocks father.
  7. you simply can't without reach hack that is. you can in creative
  8. So what's it gonna be?
  9. ooh yeah you're right (shame)
  10. here do you got it.
  11. oke i know. i said that at the beginning of the topic.
  12. I tried it before, i posted the topic.
  13. yeah so what do you want to say with it?
  14. I have bin got banned on 5 january 2012. I have bin got banned for reach hacking. But i didn't reach hacked because you can hit someone about 4 blocks and each time i hit him it was within 4 blocks only on 0.57 it wasn't 6 blocks but it was dark and salliber10 was there too so he could hit him too. Or there was a skeleton because it was dark. And maybe this will help too, everybody has bin got unband (accidentally i heard) but then i may have a kind of second chance too (because everybody have bin got unbanned but i wasn't banned than). Why i want to get unband is: It is the best faction server i know. It is actually the only server i really much play on. And i like it too much to don't play on it so... My Minecraft name is: Viktorkucera12. For sure i have bin got banned on: Minecraft.nl (play.minecraft.nl ) The one who banned me is: Darkstar. Thanks for reading and i hope that i get unband. Viktor.
  15. damn banned

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Balmung


      Tbh. This reachhack shit is a load of bollocks. It's just people whinging because Of lag. and need a shit excuse for death.

    3. Sentra
    4. stardude9
  16. Recorded and posted Bones112 :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. terminator


      great now minecraft topics about hackers and banning/unbanning are in the status section too.

    3. Wessel Kompier

      Wessel Kompier

      Good job viktor. The only downside is that you're also banned.

  17. I and my friend tonyhok where gonna attack Bones112 and then he speed hacked away and came back then he killed us by speed hacking so i said lets go back and then i will record him so i did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koxQo4dgeVk&feature=g-upl&context=G229a742AUAAAAAAAAAA This was on 4 january 2012 so this is fast the info: hacker:Bones112 which hack: speed hack sorry for don't doing this at the Minecraft Hacker Reporting Topic but I did accidentally post topic when i was on the Minecraft Hacker Reporting Topic. this won't happen a another time ps. you will see it better when you go to the site by clicking on the title with is: Bones112 hacking on minecraft.nl and make the screen big.
  18. I have been got banned on 5 december (5-12-11). The reason was for spamming, but this was what happened: a friend of me said: typ really fast something and than something funnys wil happened. So i did it and typt really fast 3 things then i got banned. A friend of me sayd that that could be the reason for my ban and that i will get a unband if i post this so i did it. And the reason why i want to get undband is because this is a perfect faction war server and i like it to much. And i will never do it again you guys can trust me. Thanks for reading this and please answer something and hopefully i get unband. My minecaft name is Viktorkucera12 ps. sorry for my bad english, but i am just a kid from Holland who is 12 years old.
  19. I have been banned on 14 november (14-11-11). The reason was for spamming, but it was a little bit spacing i think because i didnt actually sayd something. i just typt 2 times really fast: f home. A friend of me sayd that that could be the reason for my ban and that i will get a unban if i post this so i did it. And the reason why i want to get undband is because this is a perfect faction war server and i like it to much. Thanks for reading this and please answer something and hopefully i get unband. My minecaft name is Viktorkucera12 ps. sorry fore my bad english, but i am just a kid from Holland who is 12 years old.
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