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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by oogappeltje

  1. We enemied you because you defeated tittie stranglers in the spleef arena. But Sidekicks werent defeated and you lost against the third place. So you wanted a payback because you did not won any green coins and thats everything for you! So you wanted to let us lose! You were trying to trol us in the arena, so we would lose! AND THATS A FUCKING BAN WORTH!!!
  2. Dear people of left4green, Here is Exterm1nat0r speedhacking, you can see it very clearly. He only speed hacked while he jumped and then he jumped out of the water again and again. I dont know if xxzombitchxx also speed hacked but you can say that yourselfs. But that of Exterm1nat0r is definitly a ban! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPL0bE3Beqs
  3. Dear Clavus, I saw the video of the spleef tournament and xxzombitchxx disturbed the game by throwing an ender pearl in the arena. I really didnt liked that when I was watching it, I also already saw him in the arena when i was playing the finals. But now there is evidence of it. But i thought it was you! You said that disturbing the game was a ban! So thats why i made this topic. Here is the video again! I hope xxzombitchxx, will not get away with this so easily!
  4. They changed from accounts, they used alt-accounts which gave them double chances to win it. Which were their alt accounts then. Zombitch I know you in real life. You wanted to use fatboysmart and xxzombitchxx at the same time. You only failed because xxexplosionzzxx was banned . You can check that if you want it to Clavus. And lets not talk about your super mine This is not an alt account its a friends account and i explained the reason why we used thejordan. So just stop this act!
  5. We Won!! Victory should always be ours!!!!!!
  6. « Crew Clavus: STAY OUT OF UNBAN TOPICS »
  7. « Crew Clavus: STAY OUT OF UNBAN TOPICS »
  8. Oh so you think it's bad when you suffocate in a wall? Well I died after 2 raids with an inventory full of stuff. You wanna know how? I fell out off the world when I went home! -.- True story wessel! You were really like "fuuuuuuuuuu!".
  9. How do you swear it? And Corby already explained you 5 times why your banned! So stop posting this bullshit on the forum!
  10. Y n giving it me!
  11. Minky, can you putt a link of the mod in the forum?
  12. Thnx Corby. Ur now my friend! (no homo)
  13. He offended me, about my mother! I don't know if thats a ban..... But it was not needed to offense my mother., I only killed him in minecraftia. You know she is already laying 2 years in the hospital and has the extremest cancer there can be! I told that to an admin and he got banned because i told him my story. So.... Don't offense random people that kill you! Thats my story children's I hope you have a nice day and enjoyed my story!!!
  14. Thats the worst excuse i ever heard! You like to hit people in safe zone whats the use of that!? And your 11 so i don't think your a good typist, your just lying! My friend knows you and your about lying everything you just said!
  15. Hello people of minecraftia, A week ago i saw a rare thing! Verheij was hitting me while he was saying "kk pussy" and other things. I think he used a kill aura or force field and he did not putt it of! Here is the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HOoBvis6rU Hope he will be banned!
  16. BlackBird Is Here By Back!!! FuckYeah!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baron Baconeer

      Baron Baconeer

      Ah, so we have an easy source of diamonds again.

    3. oogappeltje


      No u dont, it means that your going to lose them!

    4. stardude9
  17. « Crew Ywa: Let's not post personal info »
  18. « Crew Clavus: Didn't read the top of the page did you. »
  19. Hi Clavus and other admins, Last week the server went up and down and so on. Can you maybe explain what your doing when thats happening. The dynmap is also spacing the right part of the map is completely Black (like a BlackBird ) Is that going to be for long there or not? BlackBird- we see you everywhere.
  20. Trol, bedrock base! Trol, bedrock base!
  21. Dont put factions like left4green in. They have some admins that make them overpowered and good!
  22. Please add BlackBird in it, can you?
  23. Hulpje we will not become peacefull! We will be thePVP faction of mnecraft.nl!
  24. Yeah what d_nalor said.
  25. Finally! More Players with less lag! I can't wait for the server to be back up!!! Thank you Sooooooo Much!!!!!!!! And im officialy stupid! Its doesnt work u dumb ass! And why are you saying that your officialy stupid!?
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