Hey guys , my ign is Ryuushima. I've played this server for 4 maps now but before that I played a lot of other servers. There was this one system on a server I played that really worked wonders, and I believe it is done almost the same way as you guys are currently making sure people logging out in combat aren't able to instantly log back in. But that's still way too soft! What that server had is that when you logout within a certain range of an enemy. Let's say 10 blocks you DIE , no more relogspamming if you die when you logout while in combat. It's just that I see too many people still abuse logging out and in to prevent dying in combat. ( even 1 guy from our faction did it and so he was instantly kicked 108058 ) Not saying that this is the only way to counter relogging but something is needed to stop people from doing it, it already takes long enough to kill people with how the new armor system works. Cheers , Ryuushima