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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Brant_96

  1. Yes there is, they hold items, gold etc for the guild and you can upgrade them and shizz which is pretty cool.
  2. They don't in the beta which is a pretty accurate idea of what the final product will be like, so I'm guessing not.
  3. Probably an Asura Mesmer, a Mesmer because I love trolling people and tricking them. An Asura because they look fucking cool .
  4. « Crew Clavus: Stay out of topics in the unban forum that don't concern you »
  5. Haha very true
  6. You have to bare in mind that more people are gonna wanna play Sylvari and Asura because they have not been available in beta yet. I'm sure everything will be balanced on launch date.
  7. I will most probably send an application when I have access to a computer or when I get back home.
  8. I'll probably be doing a LOT of world vs world and running around doing dynamic events with my irl chums
  9. Nuff said.
  10. Awesome, can't wait to see you out in Tyria
  11. I think I already know what I wanna be, Asura Mesmer FTW. Already changed my wallpaper and people are speculating a release before Summer and also Arena net are hoping to have a beta testing weekend every few weeks so that's all good I don't think you have to worry about lack of beta events.
  12. You say you defeated SPQR and knites? Not to be rude but they are REALLY shit. That's like me boasting that we destroyed CASP.
  13. Sorry to all the factions that deserve to be recognised on this list but haven't. We will make a new poll soon
  14. Awesome dude Check out our other threads in this sub-forum to see more about it Just to remind people who weren't keening joining as they were joining a friends guild or something, you WILL be allowed to join multiple guilds, so don't worry about that Thank you my friend I'll join the Steam group when I get back. And I'm planning on joining two guilds anyways
  15. The last beta weekend was press only, so you wouldn't of been able to get involved in that anyway.
  16. Count me in. And yes I am pre purchasing, even though I'm in Cornwall
  17. Star wars Battlefront 2. Nuff said.
  18. Let's start from the top, you complain about how young users on the server beg for mod and how they are accepted purely from a simple request for mod. This does NOT happen in minecraft.nl and if you really believe this, look at the staff that are present at the moment. Corby? He is extremely active, plus he isn't 12 years old and if he was, why does it matter? Age does not measure the level of maturity. Clavus isn't as active on the server as Corby but he programmes a lot of the plug ins and if the server crashes, he sorts it out quickly and efficiently. To be honest I have no idea where these ideas of lack of maturity from the staff team come from. Next, your paragraph about too many cheaters. I have to admit, The server used to be full of xrayers and hackers but Clavus has completely changed the server with his custom built plug in. Although its less fun for the legit raiders that get a kick out of taking the xrayed diamonds from hackers (Rangers). The plug in has completely changed the player base of the server meaning minimal hackers and more legit players. I don't know the exact number but something like 300 players have already been banned for X-ray by Clavus. Finally, your last few paragraphs. The one about plug ins being removed because of too much negative feed back, I have no idea wtf you are going on about. Next, your paragraph about needing new plug ins to stop hackers. The server already runs no-cheat (I think) and as I mentioned before an extremely effective anti-X-ray plug in. Thanks for your time Brant
  19. Looked really fun, wish i could of been there. Fucking Cornwall...
  20. We just saw that post. Then we went back on MC and you killed us XD OMG LMAO
  21. Quick Update for aFaction Pro's : Switch out Me for Bongo_Ben
  22. aFaction 1 : aFaction Pro's aFaction 2 : aFaction Noobs
  23. Will there be a map reset or?...
  24. Name: aFaction Group 1: Brant96, Vodahmin_Kendov and ahhh_Creeper Group 2: Bongo_Ben, JonathonReed_ and spacewarrio1
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