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Mr. Green Gaming

Wessel Kompier

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Everything posted by Wessel Kompier

  1. I don't think that's illegal. It's a glitch, and glitches are there to be used until Notch or Jeb fixes them. Or until Clavus says that its not permitted anymore. Edit: You guys are fast 0.o
  2. Nice face. Needs work on the eyes though.
  3. Wessel Kompier


    How can you confirm this?
  4. I think Darkstar had this problem too. Did you change your password? Cus it uses your first password ever given. At least that's the problem with Darkstar.
  5. Ofc everybody in Holland loves Donald Duck, but my mom was looking through some stuff in the attic one day. And she found a lifetime collection of Suske & Wiske comics. I would've taken a picture, but they're stored away in the attic again.
  6. He commented on the wrong topic.
  7. That is called "Defeated" When you lose your base and all of your items, you are OWNED!!!
  8. Well ooga we got a lot of help from Discord. Thnx Discord <3
  9. Lol zombitch. Tell us about the duping glitch that you say we do. Cus if you know it, why didn't you report it earlier?
  10. I was in a Skype call with these guys while they were playing. And Thejordan687 said something like:"What is zombitch doing in the arena" And this might not be right, but that could be the reason why he fell and died. That could have changed the whole game. And there's no possible way to get in on accident, Only by enderpearls. So he went in the arena on purpose to screw us over, at least that's how I see it.
  11. Dat swords 0.o I might be picking those swords up.
  12. Wessel Kompier


    Did you press "attach this file"?
  13. Can you name "BlackBird1" into "TittieStranglers" and "BlackBird2" into "SideKicks"?
  14. The Ban & Unban topic is for all games. Minecraft bans are just more frequent then other games.
  15. Ooooh haha now I see xD I always turn those two letters around
  16. How'd you mean? :S That's what I said, right?
  17. Some of you know that the Minecraft server has a plugin installed called "SpamGuard" It's a great plugin, but only when it does it's job. I've had difficulty's with it, just like many others. For example, when you want to go f home and already done that quite a few times, you get blocked by the plugin which makes it so that you can't say that line of text anymore. Only after you've said some other words you can finally type that message again. It's not a big deal when you're in your base, but it can be fatal when in battle. So my question is "Can you customize this plugin so that it doesn't block some commands?" Like: f home, f c a, f c p, f c f, f unclaim, f claim or f sethome. It would make my life a lot easier and many others too I believe. So if it's possible and not too much to ask, can you please make it so? BTW if you have anymore suggestions about what can go in the list of things that should be allowed to "spam" please list it down below.
  18. Oh so you think it's bad when you suffocate in a wall? Well I died after 2 raids with an inventory full of stuff. You wanna know how? I fell out off the world when I went home! -.-
  19. You need to say Good luck.
  20. Good luck!
  21. But Minky if you die with the minimap it sets a waiting point where you exactly died. So you can get your stuff back easier then people that don't have the minimap. So imo it does give an unfair advantage.
  22. Not smart of you to admit you had XRAY. Now your chances of getting unbanned are about 0. 00001. They're very strict about cheating in this community.
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