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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by wooozie

  1. i guess it is. and mine keeps filling up, sweet!
  2. the hud has this blue bar under your health bar, i dont even know what its for, guess its top speed, but couldnt that be turned into a nos meter?
  3. all of them. they are luck maps, perfect for mix.
  4. sometimes you have some ghost skin laggin around at the top1. you actually collide with it as well.
  5. the pickup maps should be on mix
  6. pretty much every time you start with a bike and press 3 to change spawn, the skin freezes.
  7. doesnt work. says "flipping disabled", but even when i type it after the skin froze, it doesnt change anything. can you delete the perk for me? i dont want a refund or anything.
  8. ever since i bought bike trials my skin sometimes freezes and i cant lean back/forward anymore on bikes. its normal again after i kill myself. ... if that bug is somewhat a mistery, can you please delete the perk for me? i only bought it for the lulz and dont really use it anyway. @ SDK..
  9. 5/10? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc1fvhzNOHg
  10. silly/10 i know its oldschool emo, but the song is fuckin kickass
  11. so the whole party was a freeroam server?
  12. just wonderin, did throwin gc at people improve anything?
  13. mapinfo and toptimes (old or new) should have different keys. its quite annoying when for some reason one window stays and then you swtich between turning one off and the other on.
  14. sad. it was nice not havin to wait for buggers every map.
  15. "waiting forother players..." went from super fast back to super slow again?
  16. emo/10 wish i could rock a jewfro like that guy
  17. wooozie

    8 years

    make all admins write a report what they did in that time
  18. 6/10 for bouncing tits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TI3yi-JKItA not really a drake fan, but this is pretty dope
  19. put i wanna find my destiny on mix. its hardly race.
  20. "showtops" doesnt disappear anymore, unless you hit F5, which shows everything now?! the window also doesnt show up anymore when you finish. and were there some changes to ghostmode? either im trippin or im goin through people with gm off.
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