well, if youre really not coming back, thanks for the few or many things i learned from you i guess. you were easily top10 racers of mta, and it was always nice to see some real skill on the server.
doesnt work. says "flipping disabled", but even when i type it after the skin froze, it doesnt change anything. can you delete the perk for me? i dont want a refund or anything.
ever since i bought bike trials my skin sometimes freezes and i cant lean back/forward anymore on bikes. its normal again after i kill myself. ... if that bug is somewhat a mistery, can you please delete the perk for me? i only bought it for the lulz and dont really use it anyway. @ SDK..
mapinfo and toptimes (old or new) should have different keys. its quite annoying when for some reason one window stays and then you swtich between turning one off and the other on.