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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by wooozie

  1. im quittin mta, so if anyone wants to play with my account, name is wooozie, pw is either asdasd or blabla (i dont remember). bye bye.
  2. I don't want any discussion.. And just for the record, no matter how intensively we would discuss it still wouldn't prove your right. Proof or nothing ever happened. Just for the
  3. dude, you already posted that, and its one of the few songs of you i ever liked.
  4. Yeah right, Casanova. well, i told you i dont want to turn this into a discussion, so youll have to take my word for it.
  5. i dont wanna turn this into a discussion, but first of all, shes not muscular. as she said above shes athletic. and that is hot as hell. of you ever hook up with a chick like her, youll know what i mean.
  6. i always knew it, youre gay dude!
  7. cute/10 not really my style of music, but its freeeesh
  8. any new map that gets disliked more than liked gets deleted. or just stop uploading shitmaps, its bad enough with the amount there already is on the server.
  9. you post sabaton, i raise you sodom
  10. that guy must be the king of south american guidos, autotune/10
  11. wooozie


    how can you play with that ping would be a better question
  12. no likey/10 the song is probably more fun if you understand german, but anyway..
  13. i actually like that song. 7.9/10
  14. high ping = lagger. dont even question that.
  15. great cinematography!!! and somewhat decent song... 6/10 and next time dont rate 0/0
  16. putting work into a map is hardly any sign of quality, sry. the maps are not suitable for race at all, and usually end up with a shitload of players leavin, some trolling, and the rest being afk. thats not helpful to the game at all. so either move them to mix, or delete them.
  17. deleting those maps is wrong, period. there are countless other maps to start with. once they are all gone, i can live with deleting them, but deleting them and nothing else? thats complete bullshit.
  18. digital film seemed to turn the craft of cinematography into a joke... song is meh 5/10
  19. show the resolution of players in the scoreboard, so everyone can see who the cheapskates are. //edit: that and fuckin reupload "friction" and "pachanga-the last map of 2010". im still pissed they were deleted.
  20. video is better than the song... 6/10
  21. well, 10/10... obviously. whos gonna dislike that ass... apologies if ive posted this before, its still one of the best rap songs imo.
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