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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by wooozie


    ^ or that


    ghostmode at least for circuit maps, its just stupid when you have whole races ruined by some random low fps guy. just drop the whole fun server bullshit, ever since theres the mix server, theres been lots of opportunities to improve the race server.....


    I've been adding ghost mode to a few circuits on race, if you know any circuits that you think it should have ghost mode enabled, let me know and I'll take a look at them, race is in serious need of some map cleaning.


    london calling? that map was originally with gm, but someone removed it and now its unplayable...

  2. I'll fix it later on





    Thought it was fixed, made it more reliable for higher pings.



    Racepickups are losing their effect if the id is missing or the same id name is used several times (worked with copy) among nitro/repair/vehiclechange.

    Its annoying that the map_editor tolerates this.

    Funniest thing is that it leaves unnecessary variables like rotx,y,z with sometimes random values and vehicle"522" in nitro/repair. :D


    I could not reproduce this, tried with id missing and duplicate id names. And yeah the others are some bad design decisions for the editor that waste a lot. Every attribute on a node even generates element data that has to be synced with all clients, which makes the map downloads even bigger.




    Racepickups are losing their effect if the id is missing or the same id name is used several times (worked with copy) among nitro/repair/vehiclechange.

    Its annoying that the map_editor tolerates this.

    Funniest thing is that it leaves unnecessary variables like rotx,y,z with sometimes random values and vehicle"522" in nitro/repair. :D

    write an admin application please, this server is in desperate needs of some brain.



    Not seeing how this is related, but ok

    wasnt a stab at you or anyone, just sayin you could maybe use some help with the server

  3. Racepickups are losing their effect if the id is missing or the same id name is used several times (worked with copy) among nitro/repair/vehiclechange.

    Its annoying that the map_editor tolerates this.

    Funniest thing is that it leaves unnecessary variables like rotx,y,z with sometimes random values and vehicle"522" in nitro/repair. :D

    write an admin application please, this server is in desperate needs of some brain.

  4. Also allow me to add this. GTA:SA was first released in 2005 for PC as you all know. MTA:Race came out a year later, in 2006. MTA:SA 1.0 (the actual MTA we now know) came out in 2009. BUT, although MTA has been updated almost all these years, there has always been the same playerbase. The same players who first played GTA in 2005 are the same players who played MTA:Race in 2006. Yes, the playerbase was indeed increased with the highly-acclaimed MTA 1.0. But ever since that time, it has only downgraded. What I'm getting at is we do not have new players. We will never have new players anymore in MTA. We are the same players from 2009, if not less than that.

    So take this as a tip. Let's not change the gameplay anymore. Let's not change what we are used to and most importantly let's not change the rules/scripts. Because change is bad for old players. Change is only good when you're looking towards the future. But there is never going to be a higher playerbase in the future. So if the old players get annoyed by new rules/scripts, they'll leave. And there'll be no one to replace them.

    So I ask for more important things to get fixed instead of trivial/annoying/useless stuff such as the language system. I ask that we all unite against shitmaps that have been ruining the gameplay. I ask all mappers to be more patient when it comes to mapping because we actually don't need to be uploading new maps at this time. We need to be deleting maps. We have over 1500 maps, if not more. Old maps must be kept of course. But we should be very careful with new maps. Only really awesome maps should be uploaded.

    I ask not to have discrepancy between the FPS in Race server and the FPS in MIX server.

    And finally I ask that this would not fall on deaf ears. I hope you agree with me.

    so, delete all the new shitmaps. all of edowhatever and ivancrysis for example. theyre all shit

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