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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by jellyfish999111

  1. i agree, remove the public end and add enderpearls to shop. i liek the idea of adding iron back as it is something peopel are willing to buy but its great having no diamonds meaning this is the onyl server i know where you actualy have to work for diamonds. more perks would be nice but nothing that makes co,bat to unfair (;erhaps somethign that lets you 'cloak' you faction land and sethome or the ability to acess your enderchest from the inventory /enderchest like /backpack but using ur enderchest inventory) spawn eggs for villagers, cows, and sheep would be good since they sualyl get wiped out withing a few weeks. the idea of cheaper tnt might help to encourage raiding and if you added enchanting books for perhaps prot 1/2 it would fix some of the problems you have with overpowered enchants. peacetraty in my opinion is to expensive, perhaps iron starter kit instead of stone? chainmail, grass/mycelium and cracked bricks and similar stuff to build with. maybe coal. as usual sorry for the long post No! netherwarts are have been in there for a long time in the bag of seeds, and yes close the public end
  2. so there will never be a siege again
  3. yea i know its just driving me crazy not getting a reply about it or knowing why it hapened. ecspecialy if it could happen again.
  4. helo? anyone there? noone wants to reply D:
  5. youre welcome
  6. ok.when this happened i cant be exaclty sure as it was like this when i logged on therefore it happened when i logged off around 2 am and when i found it at the same time that i made the last post. (UTC + 10 1/2) i will upload aditional screens showing further details to the main arcticle because the forums dont seem to like me posting images for replys
  7. ok so basicaly this is what hapened, today i logged onto the server after getting a messgae from another member of my faction who had just joined. Responding to his message i logged in to find that an entire chunk of my base had been some how converted to a natural liek state effectively deleting a quarted of my base and reverting it to stone. It caused me to lose my f home ( half of a giant obsidian room) the chests that were in there ( including my valuables chest with dia blocks ect, our grinders gone( missed the spawnes luckily) aswell as like twently something dia ores we spent ages mining and putting into the walls and the 4 dia blocks we used as a door. Basicaly our entire base has been ruined by this. I have no idea why this happened. Im wondering if this was done deliberately or not, or what caused it( and if possible if it could be reversed since alot of time and effort has gone into this base not to mention the recources lost. Please Help -jelly
  8. the problem is that the admins themselves dont actualy play so you can see why the majority of them dont want to spend their time babysitting everyone else when they cant have a bit of fun themselves...
  9. maybe allow you to claim with 2 people, or like was said they could claim with one person but only claim 1 chunk or something similar( perhaps they could be unable to claim other peoples land with below 3 members.) Or just get more people to the server. putting a link to the voting pages and telling people there are rewards in the anouncments broad cast would help, this should work seeming even last night i just put the adress into the chat and told people to vote and a fair group of the people online did.
  10. not sure if this is where im meant to post this but i thought id post it to 1 report the anyoying bug and 2 save many other players from losing countless xp levels ok after all of that heres the anit-climax when you enchant a book your xp disapears but the book is not enchanted thats all -jelly
  11. Bullshit ^ the how exactly do you all mysteriously seem to get through a roof and into our base, explain that and you might have the smallest bit of credibility here
  12. but these dont come back after a few seconds, they come back NEVER
  13. ok so just wondering if someone could explain why im having this problem, so i find a zombie villager(taken out from a spawner) seperate it from the normal zombies and lock it up, get the weakness potion, golden apples ect and go to convert it. it starts shaking like usual and then about half way through the process it decides to dissapear. gone just like that. This happens about 70-80% of the time i try to convert a villager, occasionaly it works but most of the time it just does that. is there some sort of cap on the villagers or server limit or something making them dispaear or is it a glitch ( i never left the area so it stayed loaded ect and sometimes it works) please someone help thanks in advance, -jelly also not sure if its linked but i think grinder mobs are despawning seeming after long times being gone/afk with the mobs continuing to spawn after a while the ammount of mobs never seems to increae, i have the distance of the room where the mobs a collected far enough ect, wondering if u could shed some light on this proble aswell. thanks
  14. you just need to use /vanish (or whatever you use) and fly around watching pvp otherwise it will just continue. recording is just painful, even if you have a the required software which isnt that hard to get alot of pcs will have to cope with the extra lag created by running more programs and even then some hacks arent exactly that easy to record. my base has been vclipepd into 3 times,(yes im pointing at you xpro) reord? no i dont like the lag. if i had recorded- eveery time there was a wall in the way so recording a guy come out from behind the wall is hardly going to get them ban.
  15. The server was running on a linux server but that one was to expensive and had a lot of problems, so they moved it to another windows server where all the other 'servers' already ran, which has better hardware. But why would Clavus ever invest extra money into the server if it is running pretty okay atm and he's not getting mass donations of it ? the problem is noone wil ldonate to a server to make it better they want to donate to a server that is already 'better' so you need to 'up the server' first and show people that it is worthy of a donation then people might start donation. although my bet is fix the lag and people will be happier even with the slots.
  16. jellyfish999111 Vortex
  17. Arena - dont need one, just need to encourage raiding. /spawn bad idea will just encourage 'spawn hoppers' Enchanting - i play minecraft for minecraft not some other game so it makes me sad in a way to say this but something may have to be done. the way i see it is that the problem lies with the new anvil systems it was fine before and it was fun putting the effort in to get sharp iv on a sword (which is now the max without anvil) so if anvil stopped you from combining sword and armor enchnats maybe... armor- not sure how to fix this maybe limit it maybe not one idea is that coming next update are enchnting books which let you enchant an item with the enchant on the books so maybe a reward for voting enough times on the server (but make it only for voting not donation) could be to get one of these books with a prot 3 enchant om it or something XP - its fine as it is now, removing spawners is no fun, although iv seen an idea although this was on a server to stop mcmmo farming but the same concept would be that you make spawner spawned mobs drop less exp than normal mobs. stop the end being public, it gave players a greater goal, and something to fight over ( i remember spending hours a couple maps back sitting in (i think) discords base waiting for them members to uncombat log so i could ware them down more trying to claim that dam portal, it was more fun than raiding some base with an enderchest now. Diamonds - there fine if people do put the effort in they can eventualy get enough for armor. X-ray - its bad, it still needs to be punished not sure how TNT - yes i agree it needs to be encouraged alot more i miss the old days of tnt cannoning, and actualy having to water your base to prevent tnt attacks. still making it remove water ect is a bad ide just means noobs bases would get destroyed more, maybe remove the thing where you cant tnt a base if their members are offline more people would carry tnt. Voting/ Advertising - push it in every way possible, even if it means paying server list websites, add more greencoins, and as i said before maybe the enchanting book ( solves two problems with one stone) server needs to be advertised as many spots as possible but make voting easy to do with a couple of simple links + good remwards Other Issues - enderchests are annoying when u raid finalyl claim then realise you cant take any of the good items because there locked away in there. maybe you could use a mod that makes enderchests public like they were originaly going to be so people cant hide stuff in them and they just become a post box like they were before pearls - need them back they make unraidable watered bases raidable. i think combat tag actually needs some work aswell but not a priority i liek having 3 players to claim but unless we get more players the idea just fails. thats my input - jelly
  18. commenting... xD im great at posting replys to comments late
  19. ok so i know its kinda a little late, the server having already reset and all but i thought id comment anyway. gota say that there is no denying the servers dying, basically for a fwe simple reasons. 1 - not enough admins means hackers rule the server,even with nocheat people can easily hack ( trust me we tested it back in my admining days on another server) 2 - theres nowhere near enough advertising, no advertising means no players no players means theres no pvp which means even less players. 3 - all these changes to the server, this server is unique theres no other server that offers 'vanilla' style factions and because of this it attracted a specific crowd, and these chnages seem to be reducing that crowd. (this includes the end) on the end, remove the public portal even if xrayers capture it first its not about the first to find it its about who hold it after the inital bloodshed, i personally loved fighting for the portals giving a much better goal in the server enderpearls were still acessible normally and glitching IS GOOD because for once people were able to raid bases and people couldnt just sit down safely inside, this wasnt an issue before because the players were less educated in a sense many of them not knowing of base watering ect. finally the worst thing you can do is add diamonds to t he shop, that just means donators will automaticaly rule the server rather than just recieving a boost. although the donation shop needs to be updated. sorry for the long post -jelly
  20. i dont exactly like spending my money buying extra accounts to play on servers that falsley ba nme for hacking, anyway when u recorded me "hacking" im sure u could see i wasnt using sprint, because im pretty sure in the time u were following me round that i was clearly not using force sprint
  21. well then i dont really know any other way to prove that i dont use it, i could upload pictures of my mc files , and jar ect if that would help my case but im not sure how much that would actualy help, apart from that i dont know as it seems its my word against some video that makes me look like a hacker D:ecspecialyl since this is one of my favourite servers.
  22. yea hopefully theyl see it diferantly, i think it might be me lagging tho because i aws getting "shot back " or glitched/lagged back and forth a bit whiel i was walking , anyway hopefuly theyl see it diferently :S
  23. yes that is the video in question, now i might just not know alot about hacks and be missing something but i dont see how i can be sprint hacking IM NOT EVEN MOVING
  24. 1. Your ingame name - jellyfish999111 2. Date of your ban -14 september 3. What game/server are you banned from minecraft 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) awesomo 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why)"hacking" 6. Reason why we should unban you i was ban for supposedly "hacking" based a video the was posted that suposedly caught me sprint hacking. firstly on the video itself, iv been watching this video over and over again just trying to figure out how at all this is sprint hacking since i barley move at all the video is just 7 seconds of me standing in 1 spot and then sneaking for the last second, there is nothing even to do with hacking there. i know with 100 percent certainty that i have will never and have never used a hack in my life. for starters i dont know how that even looks like im hacking, all i know is i was playing on the server and got told that someone had proof of me "sprint hacking" and that i was going to get ban, i know i lag quite badly sometimes and if this was taken to appear as hacks then im very sorry, becuse i dont use them. This is currently the only server i play on, and is by far one of the best servers around and the only one like it, i was banned because of a video providing no actual proof,so please, please unban me, thanks jellyfish999111
  25. it is frustrating the number of hackers on the server these days, since most hacks get past the security and plugins to stop them anyway. the problem is that there isnt a large ammount of policing the server adn not everyone reoords al lthe time, maybe some low level mods with /v ect might help, as iv both played and admined various servers and this seems to have the highest rate of hackers and the servers with the lowest seem to be those with mods ect who are constantly around to stop hackers.
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