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Mr. Green Gaming


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About Linkii

  • Birthday 10/27/1992

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  1. He's banned, + fail @ prismaa :')

  2. Where are you Linki? D: We miss you!

  3. Haha, I found someone who's called Kim and she loves Paramore too x)

  4. a month has gone D:< aaaaa
  5. When you are playing, what are your mouse sensitivity at? :] Show your mouse-skillz! (You don't need screenshots, but wud be cool) Mine is leet, when playing Zombie Survival: 13.37 XD
  6. It does. But I think zs_zincoshine_revamp is smaller than that. Good look with your map Don
  7. I want it naow! Or we! D:
  8. Merry Christmas! :] And a happy new year(about 6 days )
  9. Linkii

    New admins

    Oh god. Sometimes I just can't believe it but it is
  10. omg LOL! XDD
  11. If I can ask, of pure curiousity. Is it coming out very very soon? :oO EDIT: Okey
  12. I will tell the truth about the mysteriously propane tank and the wires. Dominic is trying to find up his new emo style, but miserably fails.. D:<
  13. They get 1000g(greencoins) :]
  14. Indeed D:
  15. you don't wanna know! D:
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