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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by warp.

  1. To be fair many players do play at our servers to sum up GC's so they can spend them on the GCShop. It's our currency, makes sense they try to earn it by playing, specially for those that can't donate (e.g. kids)


    But back to the topic, hopefully we can at least restore something and start progressing from this setback.

  2. Sorry Bin I don't have any bright ideas but I do agree with wooozie. 

    The race server generally peaks at 70 except on some weekends so it's kinda reasonable if we downsize the player limit on the race server in order to increase it on the mix.


    btw, welcome back.

  3. And the other reason of waiting sooo long for the race to get started are ghost players, which admins NEVER kick.


    Don't know where they come from but they are always 'not ready' when you press tab and they had already scored almost all checkpoints before the race started.


    Those 'ghosts' barely affect the server and every time I check the scoreboard for 'ghosts' I always kick them.. Some players even point out the ghosts for me to kick them.

  4. Yes it does suck getting constantly lagfucked, yes it does take a while to start some races but that's just how it is.. While you and others complain that the pinglimit is to high other guys are complaining about the pinglimit being to low.. Like someone said before, it's just not possible to please everyone.


    It's better to leave it how it is, if the server is just unplayable atm(to much laggs/noobs w/e) just rejoin at another time.

  5. Imo manhunt shouldn't be removed, I'd just remove a few boring maps and add some anti-camping scripts like, the less you move more health you loose?

    rtf is just a complete mess I don't even see the point of playing that gamemode

  6. I am sure there is a way to fix that ywa.  I might be able to come up with something.  I kinda like the idea but it would put me (ping 125) with the bad pingers.  


    What I would love to see would be a ghostmode mod that would only allow say the top 10 to 15 to not have ghostmode and the rest to be in forced ghostmode.

    This would allow them the opportunity to learn to drive and not fuck up everyone else's race.  This method could also possibly work with those people with bad ping.  Force

    ghostmode with ping above a set number.

    I think the staff already discussed the gm situation on our server...


    In my case bad pingers rarely bother me, now guys trying to play with 5-10FPS... fucking scary.

  7. First of all you're not SGA nor SKC so you have no right to use those tags, yet you kept using them even after I removed them. Get the hint.

    Secondly you didn't just laughed at me, you insulted me and continue to insult me, so start behaving, lose the attitude or the next ban is permanent.

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