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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by warp.

  1. I'd like to make a few suggestions for the new server:

    • Manhunt - Add a script to kill the victim if he/she doesn't move for 10 secs, therefore avoiding players camping the whole map
    • CTF - Create a script to assign players their positions(Defend, Attack, Patrol). I don't know if it's actually scriptable but it would be awesome if so.
    • Add a speedometer like the one on the race server.

  2. I've posted this idea before but still think it would be nice to have on a race server.

    Some kind of in game knock out tournament, people pay 100 green coins to join, then have it on a bracket system. race "one" 16 people start(more or less)in tourny, top 8 player move on to race "two", top 4 move on to race 'three" then top 2 race to win the prize money.

    Would be a good way to get people to spend green coins.

    It's a nice idea but a lot of scripting would be involved in this imo, it would be awesome to have a tournament every few hours on the server.

    @Yoshi I don't see any point for invincibility, it would be away more useful if we could buy fixes, I could name a few maps that for some reason have no fixes at all, makes no sense to me.

    As for the barrels and nitro, erm... Both those ideas give the players an unfair advantage imo, players with +20000GC will abuse them for sure.

    I posted a horn a few months ago, http://forums.left4g...-horn-trololol/, I suggest a new sticky where people could suggest new custom horns.

  3. idk =/

    The least you can do to implement this is to make a map where you could script barrel drops, like when you press c to fly but instead you'd drop a barrel, but still imo that would be extremely hard to make.. It's a nice suggestion tootao, but I just don't see it happen on this server.

  4. Hello there, I'm warp, most of you probably don't know who I am and since I'm new to L4G you'll probably start off by judging me for my "premature" application per say, I know it sounds very impulsive from me to be applying so soon (I've been here since like a month or two ago) but not only it's noticeable the lack of management on Mr.Green's MTA Race Server, but there's also a topic about it where some players actually agree on the fact that it needs some kind of reorganization and I'd like very much like to help you guys out, I've got a few ideas and I'm looking forward to make a few suggestions and try to improve the server's current state. (By the way, I'm not criticizing the current job from the guys who moderate the server, but maybe a new mentality would be an asset to keep the sever more in order)

    • Gameserver: Mr.Green MTA Race Server
    • Age: 17
    • Country of origin: Portugal
    • Link to SteamCommunity profile: Steam :: ID :: warp.
    • Link to Xfire profile: xFire Profile - warp.
    • Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin:

    Well, hum .. this is the part I where I kinda suck lol, I'm not very good at talking about myself :sadfacelowselfestimeswallowsadness: .. Let's see .. I'm 17, Portuguese(From Portugal), at the moment I have no life at all, still looking for a job, which is pretty sad I know, but I'm working on it. (by playing PC all day coff*). Anyways, I've been playing MTA since 2010 I used to play SA:MP in 2009 but moved to MTA after a while. I used to be an admin in CIT for a few months, so I got some experience on moderating a server and dealing with players. In my opinion, I have what it takes to be an admin, I just hope the top crew feels the same way

  5. Okay I shall see if I can install l4d2 in enough time, if not then l4d1 people can play with me tonight ;v

    Ill post again in a couple of hours and invite people to a call :> For some reason i've been talking like kermit the frog all night

    warp add me on steam

    EDIT: 10% OOOO

    I need your ID first kermit :frog:

  6. several players may leave because they're used to doing everything they want.

    I think you should start getting your facts straight. 'Used to doing everything they want'? Whenever I'm online, nobody does shit unless I tell them to. And that's what admins are for - regulating the server. If you've seen people doing everything they want, then that's the lack of administrators on the server and unacceptable. We can't have anarchy on the server. Freedom's one thing, being an ass for no reason is totally different.

    See, now you got me all wrong, because I agree with you it's a server and it needs to act like a server, starting by implying the rules but my facts are straight Bandit, they're used to do whatever they want. I'm just saying that lack management on the server kinda left the players on a comfortable position where they do whatever they want and get no punishment for their immature actions and I strongly believe that any regular player would agree with me.

  7. and almost everyone breaks the rules.(Speaking foreign languages, trolling, insulting, blocking etc)

    I should note that speaking foreign languages and trolling are nowhere in the rules.

    However excessive blocking should be stopped, don't try to be a hero here.

    I thought that by "Our main languages are Dutch and English" all the other languages weren't allowed, sorry for my ignorance then.

    Don't get me wrong but if there's only 3 rules, with complete tolerance for trollers and tards why does the server need to be moderated? In my opinion if you readjust the server rules and recruit people to enforce them several players may leave because they're used to do what they want.

  8. Yeah. GreenCoins should have a billion more functions. That's the most reasonable source for an income. Just how I feel..

    But the only thing ON TOPIC that I agree with from the first post is to add in-game moderators that can only kick/ban/mute. No access to the admin panel, whatsoever. We currently don't have enough admins on MTA to deal with the 'tards and blockers. I play rarely and even then I'm pretty much the only admin on. Just saying we need some low-class administrators to keep order when the big guys (us) aren't around.

    I'm there pretty much everyday and I think if the server had someone to imply the rules most of the players would leave, it's a troll fest and almost everyone breaks the rules.(Speaking foreign languages, trolling, insulting, blocking etc)

  9. I don't see what's wrong with the current system..

    As for the purchase of admins rights I don't think it's gonna work, to much abuse imo, instead of giving full admin rights just create like a VIP section for those who donate more (i.e 10€ per month) and give them like a third of the full privileges.

  10. You are.. a heterosexual caucasian male born between 1989 and 1999, you're not very religious, your intelligence is above average but you're an underachiever at school, you don't like homework, you like online gaming instead and browsing the internetz, you think Family Guy is pretty funny too, now you think this topic is very lame but deep inside you know I'm psychic.

    Profiling teenage geeks with 50/50 chances of getting it right doesn't make you a psychic...

    Tom Klijbroek is just a fake troller searching for his/her 15 minutes of fame.

    Your intelligent insight would make you a great psychic though. What the heck is a fake troller even supposed to be?

    No idea, I was way to high to be posting...

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