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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. I will never forget those great memories I got here!
  2. Euhm to get 6 unbreaking 3 books and 4 thorns 2 books will take atleast 100 times lvl 30 even with a fully upgraded enderman farm it will take 2 days
  3. Thanks
  4. 1. Your ingame name KnoflooksausxD 2. Date of your ban 20 March 2013 3. What game/server are you banned from server.minecraft.nl 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) autoban 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) spamming 6. Reason why we should unban you Chilly was stupid again and he was playing on Knof, while he was stuck with Chilly, And he was that stupid that he spammed, pls forgive him and unban my alt
  5. So clavus can update the server
  6. Next map: remove public end
  7. Lol, No Way!!!!!!!!!
  8. NEVER, unban this hacker
  9. Alright Clavus, Now remove whitelist
  10. Mayby clavus can decide?
  11. Ok respond on my comment
  12. Its like: 2 people are jailed, 1 for killing somebody and 1 for stealing, than u free the 1 who killed somebody
  13. I know, but just watch it And why not unban everyone? Not only xray bans, I feel kinda discriminated I could better xray on that account
  14. Awesomeo, can u please watch chat log back and see how I advertised ?
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