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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by MiddMartijn

  1. How about you all get out of this topic. Handing out warns. Sorry, I was only helping Dingo cause I was ingame when he got banned
  2. I only said the ip once in the chat I was not spamming it! Thanks Ywa What time im getting the unban ?
  3. You were exactly telling what we were doing: "Turbo set a home with his pearl" "Mathijs picked up lava" "Mathijs is blocking the water" I'm keeping you banned Well, We heard lava so that's why we thought that
  4. I said it once, give me a screenshot for when i said it for the first time? Or check chat log or something You can ban the whole server without proof...... Even if it was only once, spawn rules are clear. Two weeks at least SO THAN YOU BAN SOMEONE WHO IS PLAYING 1 YEAR AND OVER ???????????????????????????????????? BECAUSE OF ADVERTISING????????
  5. I said it once, give me a screenshot for when i said it for the first time? Or check chat log or something You can ban the whole server without proof......
  6. Hmm look at this .
  7. Yea but it's my comment!
  8. Don't forget to put the following things in your ban appeal: 1. Your ingame name - MiddyMartijn 2. Date of your ban - 27-1-13 3. What game/server are you banned from - server.minecraft.nl 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) Mathijs1996 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) advertising 6. Reason why we should unban you: Played for a year almost everyday, and than got banned for advertising : (! Like nobody else got banned for advertising so why I got banned for it than?
  9. Xpr0legendx got my faction name: TheMonkeys disband it pls!
  10. I only wanted to help
  11. Why is allesandro100 unbanned if he was banned for forcefield?
  12. MiddMartijn


    Try agian with 1. Your ingame name 2. Date of your ban 3. What game/server are you banned from 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) 6. Reason why we should unban you
  13. Mayby remove your hacks?
  14. It happened to us twice to!!! and also to marcus6x6
  15. Clavus why not add donate by sms or something!!!?
  16. Nielsbmx ask me to post this! 1. Your ingame name: Nielsbmx 2. Date of your ban: 13 september 2012 3. What game/server are you banned from: minecraft.nl 4. Who banned you (only if you know who): I don't know 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) : I don't know 6. Reason why we should unban you: I don't know what i did wrong so unban me!
  17. I was pvping and hit i someone but he don't hit me and than i got kicked for spamming because i typt f c f without a / and when i relog i was dead for pvplogging. But is that possible? And i dont was a pvplogger
  18. MiddMartijn

    Day Z

    When i buy this game can i play with you clavus ^^?
  19. wooohoo look te greencoins!!!

  20. 1: ChillysausxD, MiddyMartijn,xpr0legendx,headcrusherxD,uiltje45 2: -x:800 z: 620 3: The Rules are simple you only can use bow+full leather and this is Free For All. You win when all people are dead. this arena got fully automatic doors and there are obstacles. The olympic game is : archery 4:
  21. Bullshit
  22. It's already disbanned
  23. so what if you have hacks and you don't know its not allowed and you came behind its banable you will be pardoned?
  24. The video is uploading wait for that
  25. They claimed around us now we cant build anymore. So disban discord or unclaim it pls
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