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Mr. Green Gaming


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mogadonskoda last won the day on August 30 2014

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  1. Swag
  2. I would prefer that he remade Deluvas ZS because we know its good and works better than the current ZS, and he hasn't shown that he can code a proper ZS gamemode, if he wants to try then thats fine, but just implementing features from all the old ZS isnt showing any creativity and makes a bad gamemode that is filled with stuff not design to work together. Also when I mean original gamemode, do it from scratch for the love of god, otherwise the code will have all this useless shit in it and will look horrible and will just make it harder to change. And current ZS isnt an "original" ZS, its Necro ZS with a few minor changes which are just features before you say that it is one. Also haven''t you noticed that the server is rather unpopulated, and no Duby other communities aren't "stealing" member, its just because they have a better gamemode
  3. Hybrid=Doesnt work thats what it basically is at the moment, either make an original gamemode, or you have to go back to when it worked as a gamemode. Its like you are trying to ride a dead horse, you aint gunna get anywhere even if you keep trying.
  4. Solution, read the post. And I dont care if I am disrespectful towards you, I am just following your shitty example that you guys set.
  5. Dude the gamemode is the same for the last year practically, the changes have been superficial, no major changes happening, and if you claim that the G4K bullshit is a major change you can go fuck right off. The most noticable thing is the damn hud its changed that little, and the hud doesnt even fucking work (11/10 for that testing). Now look at the poll, people want Deluvas classes, thats what I want, so its not just me, so get the fuck out with your retarded arguments. Also you didnt listen to me, that is true, and now you have a crap gamemode, good fucking one there. the gamemode is BORING, you guys dont understand what FUN is. Deluvas ZS you coudl spawn with a turret and a pulse rifle, in this crapp shit you hide in a corner with your entire team going pew pew pew with some weak ass gun, as slow fat zombies lumber towards you. Nothing adreline right there. And thats where you guys have lead this. Why not try and make it fun, have massive guns at spawn that actually do damage, and guess what you can then give zombies OP prop kill to compensate and make them faster than humans. Like all i want is the gamemode I loved bac, because it was the best fucking game ever, and you guys are like, noooo we must listen to the people aka the 4-5 retards that are called admins now. Why remake a fucking amazing gamemode, why dont we do this crap and reimplement half of the features poorly and edited and claim we did it because thats what will happen unless you guys get it into your head that it wont work. You either need to remake the old version or actually come up with some original features. All this hybridisation WILL NOT WORK. Its like cutting a carrot and a potato in half and sticking them together, you just get a fucking useless dead piece of shit. Either make your own gamemode and make it good, or go back to what we know is already an amazing gamemode. Right now its just a shitty version of NoX. And I put over 2000 hours into ZS, and this crap we have is the same as it has been in escense for the last 2 years or so. Necro made an alright gamemode, you guys have mae it worse, atleast Necro's fucking worked properly and worked how he intended it too, it just wasnt as fun because it was turned down and made more realistic in a way. Also I seem to remember you Lameshot constantly jut going "Bring zerk back" etc, what happened? Do you prefer this crap where just using melee is only an option when you get zombies who think they are playing autism simulator, in deluvas you could take on the entire hoard until they worked together, instead of being insta gibbed like you do now.
  6. +1 If it weren't for this, I would never have been here, and met good people I also enjoyed teleporting wraiths. true. Not going off topic but I have nearly got the Etherial TP working. Also this poll is going to decide which step we take. So its not a useless poll. Every vote counts! You mean its going to vaguely dictate where the gamemode is going but then in the end it will just turn out to be badly implemently like 90% of the things currently in ZS because of your inability to actually implement anything like it was done before. (You just seem to edit everything with random crappy ideas which ruins them, such as your Last stand idea earlier.)
  7. If you are trying to prevent regular "tanks" you are going to fuck up. How can you possibly have a game where no one has an advantage from playing more, without out it being not based on skill. Any vaguely skill based game will have people who are good at it and some who aren't. No matter what system you use, the ones who play more and have more experience will do better and will be harder to kill and will win more. ANYONE can become a regular all you have to do is play on the damn server for a bit until you get used to the game then you too will be just as good. I dont understand how you would make a ZS where new players can do just as well as someone who has played for years, it wont happen, new players will always be worse. Just think about it.... If that is what you guys have been focusing your "new" ZS on, then no wonder why they are crap. People who are good at a game will always do better than ones who have never played before unless its a game based on luck, which this is not. And if you really wanted to make it fair, there would be no levels anyway. How will new players compare to someone who is full level with better stuff with more utility. The idea makes no sense for what you want to achieve. Also, the Deluvas class system worked, it was unbalanced as fuck, but it worked, and it was fucking fun playing that ZS, because the zombies where just as unbalanced and survival depended on the map, not the gamemode.
  8. Haha you actually believe that? When that kid made that thread and I responded in it with valid counterpoints to his ...huljpe still went ahead and banned me when someone else made a thread about others blocking in droves - he did didly squat about it Get it through your thick skull he targets me and he doesn't give 2 shits about it and i do respect the admins just not him , he doesn't deserve to be respected. he's a racist prick. Or he banned you because that guy gave evidence and you did not give evidence other than you saying "He blocked me first". You even said you didn't take screen shots which is what you are meant to do if you want to get someone banned. So that wasn't racism, he was just doing what he is meant to be doing. He gave his reasons for not banning the other people, go read them. And he did say that it doesn't bother him when people block, but then if you read the next line of what he says, he then explains that he still bans people. I can see why he banned you for longer....
  9. I think that those changes are good, but I agree with Damien about the classes. It makes it much easy for Klieners to understand. Maybe you could do it like the Chivalry unlock system where you unlock stuff for that class so you can get all the stuff for the class you want instead of having to level up through all the levels to get what you want. But then for other classes you have nothing.
  10. He did, then Necro took over. Now Necro has stopped because he wants to work on darkest days and Deluvas is now back in control of ZS.
  11. Well good luck getting Clavus to demote himself.......
  12. Good luck!
  13. Do the objectives work without the Nox gamemode?
  14. Good luck! You would make a great admin
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