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Everything posted by P0dlyGirl

  1. this is my last post regarding my gender and so on! I just wanted to be friendly and part of the community, that's all, than to stay in silence and anonymity. I'm sorry if you had previous events regarding false identities, but I'm not one of them! I just play MTA and I wanted to join this forum to "connect" with players and to make new friends.. (some know me for a looong time in MTA (including Team-NeO, do you know NeO_Foxy?) now, can't we just get over with this (all this talking is making me hungry! ^^)? everyone should just think what he/she wants to believe! now (again) can I be a part of the community or not?
  2. Well that's the point. You'd think you want attention because the fact that you're a girl is mentioned in your sig several times. ok, signature removed.. (I've seen many girls with that signature..) (but can I keep the GGN? I was part of that..) oh, so you had a boy pretending that he was a girl for extra attention?.. that is very wrong! I can assure that I don't want any extra attention, I just happen to be a girl in a community full of boys and I just said hi.. [i really need Rachel's support.. ]
  3. like I said, I really don't care what do you think, I just joined the community and said hi.. sheez! O_O anyway, I thought that this is a friendly community and that all are welcome.. [i once joined another community and it was EXACTLY like this.. some didn't believe that I'm a girl and they scolded (that's the right word?) me.. :'( ] I wish I would've pretended to be a boy.. (what is wrong with girls? can't they be the same as boys when it comes to games and other things?) I don't want any extra attention if that's what you mean! I just don't understand why girls can't be gamers?
  4. I'm not against you. It's just that we had one "girl" here, and almost another one from Japan. It's just that I don't like people who aren't telling the truth. And if you ARE telling the truth, the IP resolving to Romania must be perfectly explainable. I AM telling the truth, why would I lie? I too don't like people that lie and I hate them for not being able to tell the truth, and I'm wondering why.. I really don't know why do you think I'm from Romania O_o that's soooo far away.. I'm not a genius at computers, but I can tell you at least the truth!
  5. why do I have the feeling that some are against me?..
  6. sorry.. link from my signature removed! (that's the ONLY tune of that kind that I like..) (I'm from Hilo, Hawai'i, and yea, I like anime! )(anyway, I really don't care if you guys think that I'm a girl or not (my name is symbolic (eg. CynicBoy or anything else), I just wanted to be a part of the friendly community here.. see? told ya that when a girl enters the world of games, some guys ar like: no way, zomg, that can't be, and so on.. [it's so hard for a girl to be appreciated in this "jungle" of video games.. so, the battle of the sexes rages on.. ]
  7. sorry.. I have a weird sense of humor.. I like all kinds of stuff (even stupid like those movies).. link from my signature removed! (that's the ONLY tune of that kind that I like..)
  8. lol! you perverts!
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tptl6zmukA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWBk1yM2qLA
  10. is looking for friends..

  11. I think I will apply for admin on MTA in the next days.. who's with me?
  12. see, that's why I said "SO WHAT?" "just not the same games"? oh really?

  14. I said "so what" because I've seen many people saying things like: ZOMG a girl!! why do you play games? girlz are n00bz, and so on.. so I wanted to start on the right foot with "SO WHAT?" Anyway, thanks for the welcomes!
  15. Hi there! I just joined the community and I wanted to say HI! Seems like a warm and friendly place here I play a lot of MTA on the Mr.Green server and I think it's one of the best racing servers (but it needs more online admins (I think I will apply.. )
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