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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by alwTicToc

  1. please remove this map...it makes EVERYONE timeout. I cant remember the exact name but its something like San Andreas Racing Ghetto Stage.
  2. They optimized the script to play maps that have a higher rating yoshi. Sadly, most of your maps have a lower average rating, therefore, they are not played that often. But hey! Amazing thing! If you win....you can buy whatever map you want! WOW!
  3. I am wondering how you don't see that as a problem? When a person intentionally blocks a ramp that you must drive up to finish a map, how is that acceptable behavior. I understand that it is one thing to knock someone off once on purpose or accidentally...but to continuously do it over and over again to prevent someone from finishing a map...now that is just plain fucking rude.
  4. and do it soon please. he keeps changing his nick and coming back and doing it over and over.
  5. This person every single night we race blocks on every single map. I have reported him/her before so I guess it is video time. I have other videos if you think they are necessary. Thanks MTA admins!
  6. Ah bin...delete lol. I wanted to read what you had to say. Tis fine. I still like you <3
  7. Our clanmates are our competition. I WANT TO WIN! Not give others an advantage to win lol. I do understand your 2nd point bin. I nominate you to find an admin for us Americans, Canadians, South and Central Americans.
  8. I still don't understand why one must not be in a clan to be a mod/admin. Make it simple. Ban clan tags...
  9. Thanks Bin. So what does one propose we do about it? I suggest YOU guys decide who should be given admin access during the times that you and the rest of your ilk are not online. If that doesn't sound amenable, I am sure a list could be provided to you.
  10. The solution to the problem is simple, like Bandit said, need more admins. 24 hour (or as close to as possible) would be ideal. And if you can't/don't trust the admins you have, or your new ones, then they shouldnt have admninship if the first place. (O)_(O) is the newest mta admin, but just like the rest of you, he plays when BinSlayer, Sergio, SDK, and Bandit play. Juggernaut is the only one I can think of that plays when USA people do, but he hardly ever does.
  11. genius
  12. I am totally for lower level admins (mta). You list the four active admins but they are all on at the same time. When most of us foreign continent players are on, there are no admins to manage the mayhem. I am constantly running into nick fackers, trollers, spammers, blockers...etc. There is a large list of reputable members that can fill in this void. They don't even need full access to the admin panel. Simply kick, mute or maybe a feature to simply turn their ghostmode back on so they cant block. Those of you that play regularly know who these people are so I shall not mention any names. My 2 cents.
  13. I think your "oversight" may just have had something to do with a recent ban on the alw server? Timing is strangly convenient....
  14. that was insensitive...i apologize.
  15. oh...one more thing. When you post the log. You make EVERYONE that reads it a witness to the incident.
  16. I hate circles...nm. im done. you have fun. which i know it is for you. Bye quad
  17. I am directly involved. If you recall, you and I had a conversation about this in our shoutbox on alw. When you spoke to me about it. You involved me.
  18. I dont believe that my response is considered harrasment. You posted this in a PUBLIC forum. If I must cite evidence. You posted regarding the issue with King Miko and BigBadBob. So your desire to not have me comment here is moot.
  19. I was waiting for this to be entered into evidence by Quad_Tube. If I recall Mr. Tube. King Miko was impersonating an alw member. SDK, who happens to be an admin on this server, asked him to remove his alw tags. Which he did under much duress. After doing so, he proceeded to mock the aforementioned SDK by using his nick in such a way that was an obvious attempt to provoke SDK. Hence the ban. And lets not get started on others impersonating others or pretending to be a person that they are not. You reign supreme in that endeavour. You and the rest of the alw community are very aware of the issues involved in our "feud". Now you have taken your rant to a different server and expect them to do something about your inability to get along with others. I guess you wont quit until you are deprived of your opportunity to participate in this community as well. And regarding pondf1llers actions. While they were not the best representative of his character. He WAS provoked numerous occasions by a one Quad_Tube (which so happens to be you when you actually decide to be you instead of one of your many personas). Have fun trolling here while you can.
  20. They look great. But they are DD/DM maps and there is no reason to upload the maps since mr greens doesnt have a DD/DM server. Now if someone wanted to convert them to race maps that would be great. Nice Job!
  21. Thats pretty damn funny. It is like they are opening and closing to your music beat.
  22. Yup. He does that all the time. Waits till ghostmode goes off and blocks ramps/chokepoints. Intentionally disrupting gameplay. Doesnt need to be banned but he needs to be warned and if he continues then his actions warrant a ban. Noobtard!
  23. Can I get some advice from a Yellow Yoshi please?
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