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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by alwTicToc

  1. I understand how averages work. And no, the map rating system is not accurate. I played a map last night that has a rating of 2.76 and there is nothing the matter with the map. While I am the first one to say this is the worlds shittiest map, I still race most of them. Some do make me take a break cuz it is so god awful. Regarding a pro server pondfi1ller...there are a couple out there. SKC has a nice strictly track server and so does -]alw[-. But as some have mentioned, they do get old after a while and really disuade the noobs from playing on a server because they never finish/win those kind of races. A simple solution to the problem is to not delete the maps, fix some of them maybe ffs, but set aside a time of the day like SKC does for the "most wanted". They take the top 20 maps rating wise and play them from the lowest rating to the highest. That way it excludes the maps with the worst ratings from that block of racing. Then maybe on the other hand, set up another block with the WORST rated maps and play those. Then offer an honest opinion if it is truly a terrible map or not.
  2. Yoshi? Amazing summation. You should write books and stop making maps!
  3. ^^ To Ruff
  4. Csena has very wise things to say. It is common nature for those people who are good racers to question those better than them because we want to be the best. I know I'm not the best, but i am pretty damn good. Hij@ck is like a whole other level of good. How this is I have no idea. But I do know when I race with him, I am faster. I just get on his ass and pray I dont fuck up. I get the 2nd fastest time a lot! So everyone quit bitching and have fun and race! And if you think he/anyone is cheating, then get concrete proof. A re-worked spectate mode would be nice to watch people and record if necessary since we all know the one you had before was exploited by a previously banned "cheater" named Tingull3nt. +1 to delete all toptimes!
  5. I just loled. And I dont want to get in her pants. Women are nasty PrettyPercy100 is username
  6. I cant explain how he does it either. But I have seen him get pwned. so he does eat the hacksauce. But that ban is PROOF that he DOES have sobiet on his computer. It wouldnt have banned him if he didnt. He just didnt turn it off. Whether it mods anything with it off i have no idea. Maybe if he moved a few config files into the MTA directory from sobiets config files that may do it. Im speculating though because i have never used it. Ask taint about it, he has used it. But never at Greens. He may know. Or jfgi.
  7. It is annoying as all hell i know pondf1ller. God knows i rage about shit like that all the time. But if it happens only rarely, unlike paloSVK who did it all the fucking time, not much can be done about it. This is another reason why Mr Greens needs another admin on during late hours USA time. Jugg is here sometimes but not for long. Anyone reading this post who isnt in a clan and has been around for a while, go apply for admin damnit. Since us clan boys are too good to be admins on Mr Greens. hehe
  8. Ok. So I have some news for you all. He got banned because he forgot to hit whatever f key it takes to turn sobiet OFF when he started the game. He obviously has it installed on his computer. What sobiet does is write modded config files. It auto-starts every time you start the game and have to manually turn it off. He obviously has it on his computer. The auto-ban scripts never miss sobiet users. So when running it, it takes it no time to ban someone. And about the toptimes post? He is unbanned because we would have to delete 171 or whatever toptimes? That is just a plain stupid reason to reinstate someone. IF the persone cheated, and was caught doing it, it is YOUR responsibilities admins to fix those items. So maybe tell us another reason why he was unbanned then that lame shit. I have raced with Hij@ck many times. Beat him occassionally. And not once have I ever seen him cheat. He is amazingly good at the game. THAT is a reason to say why he is unbanned.
  9. Hi, ([email protected]) I wish we make use of this great opportunity of friendly. How are you;work,health and life over there?. My name is Grace,am a girl,single never marry. I went across your profile today on (/forums.left4green.com). I found intrest on you,i wish to know you more.i made up my mind and decided to left this message of proposal to you. I really believe we can move. Attack of the bots...KILL THEM ALL!!!
  10. Not for a minute do I think it is a good idea to add features to buy that will fuck the person up behind you. That is unfair to the max. There are enough shitty drivers around that do a good job of that anyway. As to the green coins needing to be expanded to inlude top 8 or so, that is a good idea. vs challengs are always fun. Say i want to challenge moshpit that i will beat him at least 3 of 5 times in the next 5 races, if i do, i take some of his green coins or something like that.
  11. There are a lot of dedicated players on this server that can offer constructive input on maps. While some of them do suck, and I mean literally suck, its fun to bitch about them while racing lol. The others do require some fixing. Nice job with the gm script. Changing the gm off cp is a great idea on some maps and I will start keeping track of those that need adjustment. I can't ever remember any of the map names but there are several that need the goddamn car to dinghy spawn moved. Its annoying as all hell to be leading and then get clipped into the road because someone didnt move the vehicle spawn two feet forwards or backwards. Why not just hold a map testing session every week? Pick say 20 maps and get a bunch of people to play them. Preferably decent players that have something constructive to say. The variety of maps on this server is what makes it unique. "Luck" maps shouldnt be removed because those allow players who are new to the game a chance to beat Emanuel, Cryoshpher, Taint3d, KillaMarci and of course myself (). So what say you?
  12. I visited with a moderator on gtasa forums. He wont tell me how a serial for the game is generated. Said he would hope a developer picks up on the thread to let me know what is going on. hopefully an admin here knows what going on or can find my serial in the ban log. im sad
  13. So I still cant get on....I will PM my real serial to you again BinSlayer and you too SDK. This sucks. I can get onto every other server but yours.
  14. What's the point in joking? We do need your serial so we can search for it and see what results we find and possibly, a reason.. I was serious about not putting it in here. Yes, I meant that as a joke. But I did PM it to SDK. He was online when I asked.
  15. I gave it to you in IRC...but here it is.... "00I00AINT00PUT010TING00IT000IN000HERE"
  16. Hey guys, just built a new system...got MTA all installed. Tried to join the server and it says "serial is banned". No idea why. Can someone unban me? PLOX!!!!?????
  17. Hasnt happened in a while...but the ramps are ghosted. I know its odd...but the grey and white ones that are like at a 45 degree angle...they have no substance. you just drive right through them like you are not there. Happened on Sunkin City Racers and RamrodOMGSliding. cant finish the map when this happens.
  18. Just a question about recording them...I can't spectate. So? when they are warping from cp to cp, how can i record that?
  19. I reported them on IRC (Besweeet also). Noone home. :/ And what good does recording them do? There is noone around to ban them. I understand the need to record problem players that block ramps constantly that are regulars on the server, but the random hacker? Doesn't do any good if noone is on to ban them.
  20. there have been two on for hours/. F.F.G. and (L*)K.S.A.(*L*) HOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no admins to ban!
  21. Only if its you moaning Grant!
  22. It appears as though a few players start races in ghostmode and stay in it throughout the race. BinSlayer and I discussed this yesterday and I told him I would keep an eye on it. The first incident involved players HardGay and =VD=. Last evening it was happening to XIII.Oh_noes. This started happening when the newest resource that adds ghostmode at start until a player pushes a button. It is odd that it targets a very small number of players, so it must involve mta version number or something very similar. I think it only fair to remove this resource until that bug can be ironed out. If they player /recconnects and the beginning of each map, it goes away, but the very next race it is back again. I'm stumped lol.
  23. I know the difference between blocking and ramming. Intenionally sitting in the middle of the road on an oval track, moving back and forth ramming people off the map is called blocking. I can deal with ramming, but intenionally fucking people up for his amusememnt is not only childish, but bannable as well. No worries, if you need video proof, then i will get it for you.
  24. He blocks every single day! yet you continue to pretend that he doesnt. Two maps in a row now. needs to be banned EVEN if he is a good player.
  25. BOO!!!!!
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